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  • HR Specialist: Employment Law
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Messed up? ‘Fess up! Honest mistakes aren’t evidence of bias


Sometimes, it’s best to just come clean. Even the best HR pros make mistakes when promoting or hiring employees. When that happens, and another employee sues, alleging that the hiring or promotion process was tainted by discrimination, it may be a good idea to admit that mistake to the court or the EEOC.

Get it in writing! You need consistent, persistent documentation


If I had to boil employment law into one overarching maxim, it would be this: Be fair and document everything, in case someone thinks you’re not being fair. If you doubt the importance of thorough documentation, consider two recent cases decided by the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals.

Retaliation applies to former employees, too


Here’s a potential trap you may not have considered: Punishing a former employee may be retaliation, too. That means that you must carefully consider anything you do involving a former employee before you act.

Stop legal bait-and-switch by documenting, retaining copies of employee complaints


Employees who engage in some form of protected activity—such as filing an EEOC complaint, participating in a discrimination case or complaining about possible discrimination to the company—are protected from retaliation for doing so. But often employees who complain about one thing end up suing on entirely different grounds …

When settling, consider adding a ‘no return’ clause


Sometimes, it may seem like a good idea to simply settle a case and move on—especially if the case is taking up lots of time. Before you agree to a settlement amount, consider whether you really want the employee to stay with your organization.

Employee sued and now she’s back at work? Don’t walk on eggshells for fear of retaliation


You know it’s illegal to retaliate against an employee who returns to work after winning or settling a lawsuit against you. But that doesn’t mean management has to be afraid of her, worrying that she’ll perceive every little slight as the organization’s way of getting back at her. As the following case shows, employees can’t cry retaliation for the little stuff.

FMLA leave-taker slipping? Fire away, with justification


Of course, employees have the right to take protected FMLA leave. But that doesn’t mean you can’t take action you already planned to take for other legitimate reasons before you found out the employee needed FMLA leave.

Free speech on trial: California cops have tough time pressing First Amendment claims


Public employees retain the right to free speech under the First Amendment and can’t be punished for exercising that right. However, the right is limited when the “speech” they’re using is part of their jobs. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has recently concluded that for California police officers, free speech protection may be even more limited.

Complaining about co-worker’s harassment may be protected


Employees who complain that a co-worker is being sexually harassed by a supervisor may be engaging in protected activity. That’s because a good-faith complaint may amount to opposition to a discriminatory employment practice. Punishing that employee may then be illegal retaliation.

Lessons from the Courts: Sept. 2009


Discipline one day after complaint? See you in court … Obscure terms could trigger race-bias suit … Teach front-line staff how to handle legal papers … Employees can have more than one "employer" … Employee is her own lawyer? Don’t pull punches.