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Document why you decided not to rehire

Sometimes, employers let employees gracefully leave instead of being fired. But what if the former employee later applies for a new opening?

Ensure your records show exactly when personnel decisions were made

To prove retaliation, employees must show that the employer took some form of adverse action against them after they complained. That’s one reason employers must document all personnel decisions: So they can later tell a court exactly when an allegedly adverse action took place.

Fired worker right after she complained about sexual harassment? Prepare for a lawsuit

If you discharge an employee shortly after she files a sexual harassment complaint, chances are she will sue and allege retaliation. Even if she is off work for a few months, you may end up owing her more than lost wages if she also suffered emotionally.

Never deny benefits because of prior FMLA leave

An employer who didn’t provide paid leave because of past absenteeism now faces a retaliation lawsuit.

Beware close timing between FMLA leave and discipline

The closer a termination comes to the end of a worker’s FMLA leave, the more likely she may win an FMLA-retaliation lawsuit.

Warning letter doesn’t count as retaliation

Retaliation must include an adverse employment action such as termination, demotion or some other substantial and negative action like transfer to an undesirable shift. A mere letter of warning doesn’t rise to the required level of adversity.

Griping about minor rulebreaking doesn’t count as whistleblowing

Do you have employees who are always tattling on co-workers about minor rulebreaking? If so, don’t worry too much that the complaining employee can spin that into protected activity under the California Labor Code’s whistleblowing provisions.

Employees have three years to sue for willful violations of the FMLA

Employers that retaliate against employees for taking FMLA leave may find themselves being sued a full three years after the alleged infraction.

Beware retaliation after race bias complaint

Employees who file internal discrimination complaints are protected from retaliation for doing so, even if the complaint turns out to be unfounded. Something like a demotion or significantly different job duties can be retaliation.

What is a ‘public body’ for whistleblowing purposes?

Pennsylvania employees are protected from retaliation for whistleblowing involving a “public body” under the Pennsylvania Whistleblower Law. But what about private employers that receive state or federal funding?