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Can you face legal risk for completing salary surveys?

To set competitive salaries, you've probably filled out compensation surveys and maybe even managed such surveys yourself. But recent classaction lawsuits have led some HR professionals and business execs to rethink their participation in (or hosting of) such surveys.

Psychiatric Records Off-Limits in Certain Investigations


When a Florida employee seeks workers’ compensation, your organization doesn’t have unlimited access to his or her medical information to challenge that request …

‘Adios, Regular Guys’; radio show sued for DJs’ harassing antics


The “all in good fun” argument didn’t pan out for Larry Wachs and Eric Von Haessler, the “Regular Guys” on WKLS-FM 96 Rock morning radio show …

Heed lesson from the cola giants: Tighten cap on your trade secrets


Now’s a good time to review your policy on protecting confidential information, such as product samples. Restrict access to as few employees as possible, and take swift action if you learn of any security breaches. As the biggest cola competitors discovered, trade-secret thieves will try anything …

Rethink noncompete contracts after big Supreme Court ruling


A significant Texas Supreme Court decision handed down last month makes it easier for employers to write and enforce noncompete agreements in Texas. The ruling, ASM v. Johnson and Strunk & Associates, provides important protection for businesses that want to use noncompete agreements to limit unfair competition from former employees …

Review policy wording to ensure no e-Mail privacy rights


New Jersey employers have every right to monitor their employees’ e-mail messages and computer usage so long as they have a strong electronic communications policy. That’s true even if the content might otherwise fall under attorney-client privilege …

Screen teleworkers before sending sensitive data home


Allowing employees to work from home can be a boon for employers trying to increase productivity and keep talented employees from leaving for more flexible jobs. But this flexibility can present an increased risk of fraud, theft and legal action if you keep personal information about employees or customers on your computer network …

Union campaigns can’t invade employees’ privacy


Unions, trying to regain the luster they lost over several decades, have embarked on aggressive organizational campaigns. But that doesn’t mean you have to put up with their disruptive, harassing attempts to contact and organize your employees …

Employee blogs raise privacy, confidentiality issues for employers


Most organizations have comprehensive Internet, e-mail and electronic communications policies that spell out what’s acceptable usage and what’s not. But few employers have addressed a growing problem: the proliferation of employee Web logs, or "blogs" …

Troopers Cite ADA and Privacy in Lawsuit Over Call-In Policy


The Pennsylvania State Troopers’ Association has filed a lawsuit against the state police, arguing that troopers shouldn’t have to tell their duty desk the specific reason they’re calling in sick. The association alleges that the call-in policy violates the ADA because it may force troopers to disclose a disability …