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Employment Law

Balance need for racial diversity against threat of reverse discrimination lawsuit

Here’s a problem that isn’t going away anytime soon: Courts often look at the available labor pool when figuring out whether an employer’s hiring practices have a disparate impact on a protected class. If the employer is caught filling informal quotas to create a balanced workforce, members of other protected classes may sue for discrimination.

Fired employee for poor judgment? He may still qualify for unemployment comp


Employees who are terminated for misconduct aren’t entitled to unemployment compensation. However, what rises to the level of misconduct requires an individualized assessment. In fact, using poor judgment alone isn’t misconduct. Employees who make a mistake are eligible for benefits, and the mistake doesn’t have to be a work mistake.

Remember, ADA disability requires substantial impairment of major life activity


Some employees think that if they have a learning disability, they are automatically disabled and entitled to an accommodation under the ADA. That’s not necessarily so. Such employees still have to prove that their specific learning disability substantially impairs a major life function, such as learning.

Diagnosis just start of ADA assessment process


The ADA protects Americans from discrimination based on disability. But to be classified as disabled, employees and applicants have to show that they have more than transient or minor problems. Even a diagnosis is only a starting point since different conditions affect people in varied ways. Each individual is assessed based on his or her unique situation to see whether the condition underlying a diagnosis substantially impairs a major life function when compared to the average person.

Bias charges false? Discipline isn’t retaliation


Not every discrimination claim turns out to be true. Some may be exaggerated, others just downright false. If you investigate a complaint and conclude that it was untrue, you can and should discipline the employee.

Ohio Supreme Court OKs maternity leave waiting period

Ruling against the Ohio Civil Rights Commission, the Ohio Supreme Court has ruled that a nursing home’s policy of requiring one year of service before providing maternity leave did not violate state law.

Waiver in handbook prevents contract formation

Make sure your employee handbook includes a disclaimer specifying that the handbook is not a contract. Then have employees sign that disclaimer, acknowledging that they’ve read it. That way, you won’t accidentally create an employment contract.

Bounced payroll checks? Make good on them right away


These are tough times, and sometimes businesses run short on cash. Or a banking mistake may result in fees that cause other checks to bounce. If that happens to payroll checks, make every effort to fix the problem as soon as possible. Not only are employees entitled to their pay, some have resorted to suing their employers for bouncing paychecks.

Win discrimination cases by showing that your rules apply equally to everyone


Rules are no good if you follow them only some of the time. Uneven enforcement can cause lawsuits. If you have rules, enforce them. Drop those you don’t want to enforce. Otherwise, a supervisor may find it convenient to punish someone for breaking a rule that others are allowed to ignore.

Employee being disciplined suddenly gets ‘sick’? Don’t fall for ruse invoking FMLA protection

This will probably happen to you someday (if it hasn’t already): An employee in the middle of being disciplined suddenly says he’s ill and has to leave work. Then, after being terminated, he claims you interfered with his right to take FMLA leave. Don’t fall for it.