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Employment Law

Disability bias: Prepare to pay huge damage awards

The ADA does more than entitle disabled employees to accommodations that help them perform their jobs. It also protects them against discrimination based on their disability. Juries are more than willing to make employers pay for blatant disability discrimination.

Ongoing telework brings legal complexities

Remote work is likely to continue long after the coronavirus crisis subsides. As you contemplate what post-pandemic work will look like, it’s important to recognize the complications inherent to permanent telework arrangements. Factor them into your decision making when setting new policies on remote work and hiring.

Beware ‘no-poach’ pacts with competitors

Recruiting new employees is difficult these days, making it more important than ever to retain the staff you already have. Just make sure your retention efforts don’t cross the line into collusion with other employers.

$44 million to settle age-discrimination case

The Federal Aviation Administration just settled a long-running age-discrimination case involving outsourcing and lost pensions. The suit, which began in 2005, is a cautionary tale about the high cost of discrimination and the drawn-out litigation that often ensues.

You must accommodate disabled job applicants

The ADA requires employers to offer reasonable accommodations for disabled individuals at every step of the employment relationship, including during the job application process. Be especially aware of this if you use an online system that screens applicants and then automatically invites qualified candidates to come in for an interview.

Pay equity group alleges tip credit perpetuates racism

Many tipped workers wind up earning far more than the $7.25 minimum when tippers are generous. But some patrons are cheapskates (or worse) who may tip far less because they harbor racist views. That problem is the basis of a recent lawsuit.

Consider telework as ADA accommodation

For almost two decades, the EEOC has urged employers to offer remote work as a possible ADA accommodation. It’s relatively easy to do, especially if you already allow employees who are not disabled to telecommute.

DOL withdraws Trump-era independent contractor rule

The Department of Labor has withdrawn a rule issued Jan. 6 in the waning days of the Trump administration that critics say would have denied gig workers eligibility for minimum-wage and overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Check contractor pacts for misclassification errors

The Department of Labor has launched a campaign to root out unlawful misclassification of employees as independent contractors.

Tamp down rumor-mongering about affairs

Most sexual harassment lawsuits involve employees claiming a supervisor or co-worker tried to coerce them into having sex or created a hostile environment with sexual jokes, images or personal questions. But there’s another form of hostile-environment harassment that can trigger lawsuits: spreading rumors that someone was hired or promoted for having a sexual relationship with a decisionmaker.