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Employment Law

Warn bosses: E-mail is smoking-gun evidence


The risk isn’t new—e-mail has been around for a while. But managers and supervisors still continue to play fast and loose with their e-comments. E-mail messages are increasingly finding their way into employment-law court battles. Remind managers in the hiring process that it’s typically better to pick up the phone or walk down the hall to discuss a candidate than it is to send an e-mail.

Best way to thwart discrimination lawsuits: Have manager who hired also handle the firing


It almost always makes sense for the same manager who hired a member of a protected class to also terminate that employee if necessary. Courts presume that someone who is prejudiced would not hire someone who belongs to a protected class, only to turn around and fire the same employee due to prejudice.

When worker may have broken rules, conduct independent investigation to confirm suspicions

The possibility of hidden bias is what makes it so important to never base a termination decision solely on one person’s recommendation. The key is to cut the connection between the supervisor’s attitude and the company’s termination decision.

Workplace in turmoil? Here’s how to know where to start cleaning house


Sometimes, a handful of bitter employees can poison the workplace atmosphere so much that production falls. That doesn’t mean it’s always easy to figure out who’s to blame. Here’s one way that sometimes works: Conduct a thorough assessment of the workplace by interviewing all the employees. What you learn may surprise you and provide the impetus to make some sorely needed changes.

After workers’ comp claim, make sure supervisors don’t step up scrutiny


Employees who file workers’ compensation claims are protected from retaliation—essentially any change in working conditions that would lead a reasonable employee to rethink her decision to seek benefits. That can include sudden scrutiny of the employee’s work. That’s why HR should look carefully at any increased discipline against those who file workers’ comp claims.

When employee claims co-worker harassment, investigate promptly, act reasonably

If you respond quickly to sexual harassment complaints involving co-workers, you’ll seldom have to worry about coming out on the losing end of a sexual harassment lawsuit. As long as you respond reasonably, courts will defer to your best judgment—especially if the problem seems to have been resolved.

Does GINA apply if a supervisor accidentally learns about an employee’s genetic information?

Q. If one of our managers overhears an employee discussing his genetic information, is our company liable under GINA?

Who’s covered by GINA, the ‘genetic information’ law?

Q. Which employers are required to comply with the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA), and who does GINA protect?

What are some strategies to stop employees from abusing intermittent FMLA leave?

Q. What can an employer do to make sure employees are not abusing intermittent FMLA leave?

Employers don’t have unlimited right to dig for psychiatric records


When an employee sues you and you know or suspect he may be mentally unstable, it’s tempting to dig for mental health records—perhaps to question his credibility. But if the employee isn’t claiming mental damages, don’t count on even accessing those records.