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Employment Law

Mandatory retirement policy costs manufacturer $60,000


A Houston manufacturer will pay $60,000 and provide other relief to settle an EEOC age discrimination lawsuit. According to the EEOC, Metallic Products Corp. had an unlawful mandatory policy that required em­­ployees to retire when they reached age 70.

Take every lawsuit seriously, even those that seem weak

Employees with flimsy cases sometimes decide to sue anyway, acting as their own attorneys. No matter how frivolous such a lawsuit seems to be, face it head on and fight for dismissal.

Special work arrangement? Ensure worker’s at-will status

Occasionally, you may decide to create alternative work arrangements based on written agreements. How you do that is crucial to retaining at-will status.

Beware ill-chosen words, which–all by ­themselves–can sometimes launch lawsuits

Sometimes, a single poorly chosen phrase can generate large legal bills, as the following case shows.

It’s got to be more than a hunch! Courts nix unsupported bias claims

Good news for employers fighting off discrimination claims: Courts are losing patience with lawsuits based on little more than the argument that “it must have been discrimination.”

Leave this ugly legacy for the history books: Warn bosses against any reference to nooses

You must instruct supervisors and managers: Any reference to hanging, ropes or nooses is absolutely forbidden in the workplace. Immediately address any complaints about nooses in the workplace. Also make sure no employee is punished for reporting the presence of a noose.

Employers expect uptick in lawsuits this year

Nine in 10 employers expect litigation against their organizations to in­­crease or stay the same in 2012 compared with 2011, according to Ful­­bright & Jaworski’s 8th annual Liti­­gation Trends Survey Report.

Settlement reached in deaths at Mount Carroll grain elevator

The operator of a Mount Carroll grain elevator has settled U.S. Department of Labor charges it that broke federal child labor laws when it allowed a 14-year-old to work in a hazardous job that proved fatal.

Beware management push-back on HR decisions

As an HR professional, you may come across employment practices that you think violate the law. What you do with that concern and how you express it may make the difference between engaging in protected activity or not—and by extension, whether you can sue for retaliation if upper management punishes you.

Employers predict more HR lawsuits in 2012

Nine in 10 employers expect litigation against their organizations to increase or stay the same in 2012 compared with 2011, according to Fulbright & Jaworski’s 8th annual Litigation Trends Survey Report.