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Employment Law

Employee returning from FMLA leave? OK to assign her to different, equivalent job


Some employees mistakenly believe that when they take FMLA leave, they are guaranteed an unchanged job when they return. That’s not true. What the FMLA promises is that employees who take protected leave will be returned to the same or an equivalent job.

Counter bias claims: Show how your rational promotion process selects best candidates

When it comes to promotions, smart employers make sure they carefully document the selection process. That way, if an employee challenges the decision, the company will have something compelling to show the court.

It’s just putting off the inevitable: Don’t let management shrug off hostile work environment

Having trouble persuading upper management to get proactive about harassment and hostility complaints? Remind them that ignoring such a problem will only make it ­fester—until someone decides to sue.

Former Lucas County sheriff seeks to recover legal fees


When James Telb was sheriff of Lucas County, he faced federal charges relating to an inmate’s death in the county jail. He was acquitted in December 2010, but claims the process left him saddled with $200,000 in legal fees. Now he is suing the county to recover the money.

Do you give different leave to working moms and dads?

Do you sometimes grant employees “­special leave” to take care of their school-age kids? Beware if you allow special leave for mothers in your workplace, but not for fathers. One court just warned, “A company’s ‘special leave’ not grounded in law just may be discriminatory.”

Federal contractors: No action on gay-bias rule

While the DOL cleared an executive order that would have made it illegal for federal contractors to discriminate against employees (or applicants) based on their sexual orientation, President Obama is not expected to sign the order, although he favors the idea.

Age bias suits: New rules on ‘reasonable factors other than age’

The EEOC’s new ADEA regulations lay out several considerations to guide courts and em­­ployers and employees in determining whether factors used in deciding on a particular employment practice pass the “reasonable factors other than age” (RFOA) test.

Warn supervisors: You may be individually liable under the FMLA

The 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals recently held that supervisors may be subject to individual liability under the FMLA. Employers in New York should be aware that plaintiffs who allege a violation of their FMLA rights may name individual supervisors as defendants in their lawsuits.

While she took off clothes, boss took OT and tips

New York City exotic dancer Crystal DiCesare is suing Dial-A-Dancer—a company that sends strippers and porn stars to entertain at private functions—for violating the Fair Labor Standards Act.

NYC law firm settles partner’s age discrimination case

Kelley Drye & Warren, a New York City law firm with more than 300 attorneys, had a policy of requiring partners who reached age 70 to relinquish equity in the firm, receiving only discretionary bonuses. Too bad for the firm that Eugene D’Ablemont knew the law …