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Employment Law

OK to terminate, even after FMLA leave request

If you were going to terminate an employee before you learned she wanted FMLA leave, you still can. Just be sure you can document when and why the termination decision was made.

EEOC is on the lookout for ‘beauty bias’

The EEOC is investigating the Marylou’s Coffee chain, looking into its apparent practice of hiring attractive young women. According to the Fisher Phillips law firm, “the EEOC’s big adventure raises a troubling question: Is the EEOC trying to establish that it’s illegal for an employer to prefer attractive employees over unattractive ones?”

Use new employee FMLA guide as chance to review your policies

Publication of the new DOL guide to employees’ FMLA rights signals an opportunity for employers to take a fresh look at this sometimes confusing law. It’s a golden opportunity to remind employees how their company leave policies mesh with the FMLA.

Brighton Beach condo collapse draws OSHA fines

OSHA has cited SP&K Construction, a Brooklyn contractor, for safety violations in connection with a fatal structural collapse in Brighton Beach. The accident, which killed one worker and injured four others, occurred Nov. 8, 2011.

Albany Times Union settles with Newspaper Guild

The Albany Times Union and the union representing its employees have reached a settlement following a National Labor Relations Board ruling that the newspaper violated federal labor law when it laid off three employees in the fall of 2009.

OK to change minor duties during or after FMLA leave

Employees who take FMLA leave are entitled to return to the same or an equivalent position after their leave has expired. But that doesn’t mean management can’t alter minor job duties.

Warn managers not to discuss employees’ ethnicity

People are naturally curious about where others come from. But at work, such inquisitiveness can lead to misunderstandings—and, ultimately, expensive litigation. That’s why you should counsel supervisors against asking subordinates where they are from or what nationality they hold.

Bully boss? At least make sure he’s equally disagreeable to all kinds of subordinates

Consider what might happen if a supervisor consistently singles out members of a protected class for tongue-lashings. It could be grounds for a discrimination lawsuit. Monitor subordinate complaints, looking for unusual patterns.

Leave policy goes above and beyond FMLA? Make sure court sees your generosity

If, like many employers, you offer employees more than the required 12 weeks of unpaid FMLA leave in any given year, you may have a powerful response to a disability or FMLA discrimination lawsuit.

Nassau County settles suit with septuagenarian lifeguard

He may not make the cast of “Bay­­watch,” but Jay Lieberfarb now has $65,000 that says Nassau County was wrong to fire him from his job as a lifeguard in 2009.