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Employment Law

Negotiating return to work? Don’t rush firing

Sometimes, employees end up on unpaid leave after complaining about discrimination. Then the employee’s lawyers try to negotiate a settlement that includes returning to work. If you turn down such terms, make sure you get clarification on whether the worker will return even if you don’t meet her demands.

Out on FMLA: How much contact can we have?

Q. What are the employer’s rights in contacting employees during their FMLA leave? Can we ask how they are doing? Can we expect they will stay at home recuperating in accordance with the doctor’s direction?

Lesson from the Facebook ‘Suck it’ case: Tweak your confidentiality agreement

Confidentiality agreements—whether they’re in employee handbooks or legal settlements—typically require employees to refrain from talking or writing about some type of company secret. But as this new case shows, it’s wise to make clear that such disclosures are also banned on social media.

When discipline is called for, keep personal hostility from tainting process

Here’s a reminder for supervisors who participate in disciplinary decisions: Tell them to keep their personal feelings about the employee to themselves and resist the urge to bring in stereotypes. No one, for example, should comment on the employee’s nationality, national origin or other protected characteristics.

Obama wants to expand FLSA overtime rules


President Obama on March 13 ordered the U.S. Department of Labor to propose rules to “update and modernize America’s overtime pay system, so that millions of our nation’s salaried workers will have the protections of overtime pay.” The process, which will take months, could make overtime pay available to more management employees who are now considered exempt under the FLSA.

Changing hours: Must we talk to the union first?

Q. Our employees recently voted for a union and we are now negotiating. Our policies say full-time em­­ployee status starts at 30 hours per week. All of our full-time employees currently work 40 hours per week. We want to decrease the hours of some employees (about 25% of them) from eight to six per day. Do we have to bargain with the union on this change or can we just notify them? 

After Windsor: Same-sex marriage status update

The U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark Windsor decision striking down Section 3 of the federal Defense of Marriage Act left who can marry whom up to the states. Well, maybe not, as lawsuits contesting bans on same-sex marriage continue to mount. Here’s where things stand.

Never hesitate to make legit rule changes

Have you found that some of your disciplinary rules are too lenient? Don’t hold back on stiffening your rules just because you fear the first employees subject to harsher penalties might sue you.

Minnesota town administrator files human rights complaint

Former Pine Island Administrator Abraham Algadi has filed a complaint with the state Department of Human Rights, arguing that the town created a hostile work environment for him in the months leading up to his termination. Algadi alleges he suffered discrimination because of his Jordanian heritage.

St. Paul teachers reach contract accord, avert strike

Days before a scheduled strike vote in late February, St. Paul teachers reached a tentative deal on a new contract. Overall, teachers will receive an 8.6% increase in pay and benefits over two years.