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Employment Law

Harsh criticism alone isn’t discrimination; bias must be tied to protected characteristic

While yelling and screaming may be uncomfortable for employees, such behavior usually doesn’t reach the level of an unlawful discrimination or a “hostile environment” unless it relates to a protected characteristic like age, sex, race or religion.

FMLA: Need certification or is a doctor’s note OK?

Q. Do employers have to request an official certification form for all FMLA situations, or can a physician’s note be enough for an employer to designate FMLA?

Can we require lie detector tests?

Q. We have experienced several incidents of employee theft over the past few years. Would it be legal to require all job applicants to take a lie detector test?

Harrisburg, Pa. strip club faces FLSA undressing

A Harrisburg area gentlemen’s club faces a federal lawsuit alleging it failed to pay exotic dancers the minimum wage and proper overtime. Four dancers filed suit in federal court charging the club violated the Fair Labor Standards Act by misclassifying them as independent contractors.

Teachers win right to union vote at charter school

The Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School (PCCS) has lost in its bid to stop a union election among its teachers. The Pennsylvania Cyber School Education Association, an arm of the Pennsylvania School Edu­­ca­­tion Association and the National Edu­­ca­­tion Association, sought an election to represent the teachers working for the PCCS.

Erie, Pa. restaurant settles harassment case for $20,000

Outrageous behavior by a co-owner of Ricardo’s Restaurant in Erie has cost the establishment $20,000. The EEOC reports that it has settled sexual harassment complaints filed by one of the restaurant’s former employees.

In Allentown, who says one vote doesn’t matter?

A union election at an Allentown company that provides home health care services may have turned on the vote of one person, who arrived too late to cast a ballot.

Temp agency sued for refusing to place HIV-positive worker

Pittsburgh-based Maxim Healthcare faces a suit from the EEOC after it refused to place an HIV-positive health­­­­care worker at a Veterans Admin­­is­­­­tra­­tion hospital.

Settling wage case? Include confidentiality clause

Wage-and-hour cases can drag on—and sometimes turn into class-action lawsuits. That’s why settling early may make sense. But settlements can spawn even more lawsuits. To minimize that possibility, consider using a confidentiality clause.

You can insist: Employees waiting on FMLA certification must follow call-in policy

Employees who have a pending request for FMLA leave and are just waiting for their doctor to provide the required medical certification must still follow call-in rules. Have a clear policy in place so employees understand what is expected before, during and after their FMLA leave request.