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Employment Law

Beware firing right after EEOC complaint

Here’s a warning on discharge timing: If you happen to make the final termination decision right after the employee files an EEOC charge, timing alone may be enough to send the case to trial.

NLRB pushes ahead on joint employer cases


A Dec. 19 statement from the NLRB’s Office of the General Counsel said it found merit in 78 unfair labor practices charges filed against various McDonald’s franchise holders and McDonald’s USA. That means McDonald’s USA could be found liable for any illegal employment practices committed by its franchisees.

10 mistakes that crush your ability to win a retaliation lawsuit


When employees complain internally about discrimination or lodge a complaint with an outside agency like the EEOC, they’ve en­gaged in what’s called “protected activity.” They may not be correct about the discrimination, but if the employer retaliated against an em­­ployee for complaining in the first place, they could win a large jury award anyway.

Providing References to Other Employers


HR Law 101: Despite all the risks, providing other employers with references about your former employees is a good business practice. If you refused to provide references, eventually you would compromise your ability to find out about applicants you’re considering hiring …

Severance Pay


HR Law 101: Severance policies are generally considered employee benefit plans entitled to ERISA protection, many courts have ruled. For employers, that means conforming to ERISA’s recordkeeping and disclosure requirements …

Accommodating Medical Marijuana


HR Law 101: Currently, 23 states have legalized the use of medical marijuana. Whether employers in those states must accommodate legal medical marijuana use depends on how courts interpret state law.

Avoid OT issues: Ban off-the-clock work and automatic nightly time-clock resets


If your business doesn’t operate 24/7, you probably shut down just about everything at some point during the night. If that shutdown includes resetting the time clocks to automatically clock out everyone, you may be courting a lawsuit.

NLRB clears way for ‘ambush’ union elections

The National Labor Relations Board says a new final rule issued Dec. 12 will “streamline” union elections. Critics say the result will be “ambush elections” where voting happens so fast that employers stand little chance of persuading employees to reject union representation.

Promoting? Don’t factor in child care responsibilities

A woman who was turned down for a promotion to a manager or an assistant manager postion in a pawn shop in Alabama claimed the employer discriminated against her because of her gender and child care responsibilities.

NLRB says employees can use company email to discuss pay, union organizing


If your organization has a blanket policy that prohibits workers from using the organization’s email for personal matters, it’s time to revise it. The National Labor Relations Board ruled that employees have the right to use their employer’s email system (during off-duty time) to engage in legally protected communications, including discussing wages and even organizing a union.