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Employment Law

When making layoff decisions, focus on worker performance, cite business necessity

When it comes to reductions in force, employers must make sure that they develop a fair, reasonable and explainable selection process. Be prepared to show that the selection was based on sound business decisions and that the layoff wasn’t an excuse to terminate employees who might otherwise have a legal discrimination claim.

Leave harassment investigation to the pros


There are compelling reasons to outsource or at least get legal help with a sexual harassment complaint. First and foremost, the investigation must be quick, thorough and reasonable. Employers that drop the ball and don’t punish what looks like a clear case of sexual harassment face a long, uphill battle in court.

Never retaliate for reporting safety hazards

A federal appeals court has concluded that California employees are entitled to protection from retaliation for reporting safety hazards, even if it’s part of their jobs.

Must we pay for time spent preparing to work?

Q. We have an employee who regularly comes into work a half-hour or more before her scheduled shift in order to get her work station ready and otherwise get herself set up for the day. This preparation time is important to the employee because she does not believe that she can meet the production requirements of her job without it. The employee has been told that she cannot start performing her actual job tasks until the start of her scheduled shift. Our new HR manager has advised that we must pay the employee for the time that she spends preparing for her shift, even though she had no approval to work during that time. Is that right?

Pregnancy accommodations in light of Young v. UPS decision

On March 25, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its much-anticipated decision in addressing whether employers must provide light duty and other accommodations to pregnant employees as they do for nonpregnant employees who experience a work-related illness or injury. The court’s decision in Young v. UPS did not directly answer that question.

Police union election offers lessons for employers

The highly publicized battle for the leadership of the Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis offers lessons for all employers with unionized workforces.

You don’t always have to be right–just honest

As long as you act in good faith, most courts will uphold your honest HR decisions.

Court: Arbitration OK as long as employee doesn’t have to give up any rights

A federal court has upheld an arbitration agreement negotiated between a union and an employer that compelled individual arbitration for FMLA claims.

Good news: Court nixes long statute of limitations for rare associational claim


Employees have many avenues to sue their employers for alleged discrimination. Most are common and have clear-cut deadlines. Some are more exotic. Consider, for example, an employee’s right to sue over her employer’s alleged discrimination against her because of who she associates with. Here’s what happened when one worker waited more than four years to make a so-called Section 1981 civil rights claim.

Focus on performance–not attendance–when firing employee who used FMLA

Employers that rely on absenteeism to fire such a worker may find themselves in court arguing over which absences and late arrivals should be included or excluded—and hope they got it right.