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Employment Law

Harassment victim wins suit, comes up $832 million short

A jury in New York City has awarded a  woman $18 million in her sexual harassment lawsuit against her former Wall Street boss.

Halliburton to pay more than $18 million for FLSA violations

In one of the largest recoveries of overtime wages in recent years for the U.S. Department of Labor, oil and gas service provider Halliburton has agreed to pay $18,293,557 to 1,016 employees nationwide.

Know the risks when hiring third-party workers

After the NLRB’s recent decision regarding its new, broader standard for “joint employer” status, it’s time to brush up on the consequences of the joint employer doctrine when engaging third-party contractors.

Suburban Dallas bar settles pregnancy bias complaint

Arthur’s Bar & Restaurant in Addison, Texas, has agreed to settle a pregnancy discrimination complaint for $20,000.

Oilfield services firm settles retaliation suit for $30,000

Garrison Contractors, a West Texas oil-industry construction company, has agreed to settle charges it retaliated against a female employee after she reported sexual harassment.

Slightly lower evaluation rating isn’t retaliation

To constitute retaliation for engaging in protected activity, an employer has to do something that would dissuade a reasonable employee from complaining in the first place. A poor evaluation, by itself, isn’t enough.

Fired for gun in trunk: Can employee sue?

A court is about to tackle a tricky issue: Does a state law authorizing employees who park in company lots to keep guns locked in their trunks also create a right to sue if the employee is fired for gun possession?

Not so fast! Texas whistle-blowers must pursue internal remedies before they can sue


Texas law requires public employees who are fired by their employing agency to pursue internal appeals of that decision. Otherwise, they can’t sue in state court over alleged wrongful discharge for whistle-blowing. Government employers should make sure they raise that defense if they don’t have any record of the worker making an internal appeal.

Confidential customer lists may be trade secrets even if the names are available elsewhere

Good news if you need to protect your customer lists from competitors: You can require employees to sign confidentiality agreements to block taking customer lists to the next job even if it’s theoretically possible for the competitor or someone else to put together the same information from other, publicly available sources.

When accommodation is impossible, it’s OK to discharge disabled worker

Not every disability can be accommodated in a way that enables an employee to perform the essential functions of his job. Sometimes, the disability simply can’t be accommodated. When that’s the case, you may terminate the employee. If he sues, you must be ready to show what the job’s essential functions are and that it simply isn’t possible for the disabled employee, given his specific disabilities, to perform those functions.