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Employment Law

Training must accommodate disabilities

Disabled workers are entitled to reasonable accommodations during all phases of employment, including during the application process and employer-mandated training before they start working.

Philly schools settle with fired procurement director

A long-running legal battle over a no-bid security camera contract is one step closer to resolution.

Remind bosses they can be liable for pay violations

Remind supervisors that under the law, they can be held personally liable for wage-and-hour violations.

Is that really harassment–or a domestic dispute?

Private disputes tha spill into the workplace can spell trouble if discord spirals out of control.

Tell supervisors: No piling on work in effort to get rid of employee

Giving additional work to someone you want to get rid of can backfire, especially when the situation looks suspiciously like a set-up.

Male-dominated culture at work? Beware harassment

While “locker room” talk may have been in the news lately, that doesn’t mean women have to put up with it.

Female attorney in Wayne, Pa., claims pay discrimination

A former female partner at the Saltz Matkov law firm in Wayne, Pa., alleges two male partners conspired to pay her less than they earned.

Lack of qualifications will sink bias lawsuit

If it turns out that an employee who is suing you for bias was, in hindsight, unqualified for the job, count your blessings!

Beware demotion following disability leave

Before you demote an employee who is returning from a lengthy medical leave, consider whether he might file and possibly win a disability discrimination claim.

Follow 5 rules and never fear a retaliation charge

Want to know why retaliation claims turn out so well, so often, for angry employees? Look no further than basic human psychology, says attorney Deborah S. Adams of Frost Brown Todd LLC: “Juries ‘get’ retaliation claims.”