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Employment Law

Isolated ‘leering’ doesn’t amount to harassment

Absent other evidence of sex discrimination, such as unequal pay or disparate treatment, a few comments or looks don’t create a sexually hostile environment.

Long absence due to illness? Keep employee apprised of FMLA status

Sometimes it’s obvious that an employee will miss much more work than her available leave can cover. When that happens, provide her with all the necessary notices about how much leave she has used and when it expires.

When harassment is pervasive, chase down the root causes and fix it

Appealing to workers’ sense of decency will do nothing to prevent harassment lawsuits if that approach doesn’t effectively stop the harassment.

What you can do to discourage union organizing

Unions have the right to try to organize. Employers have the right to oppose unionization.

Keep complete records of settlement talks

Sometimes, it’s better to settle an employee’s complaint than to litigate it. If you do, be sure to carefully document the entire process.

Understand basics of work-related U.S. visas

Brush up on the various types of visas and what’s required of noncitizen workers.

Huntsville, Texas Christian camp sued for bias, ADA violations

Carolina Creek Christian Camp in Huntsville, Texas faces an EEOC lawsuit alleging it retaliated against an employee for asserting her rights.

Houston club to pay $140k for manager’s ADA mistake

Diallo’s, a Houston nightclub and party venue, has agreed to pay $139,366 to resolve charges it violated the ADA.

Go ahead and fix flawed system–that’s not an admission of discrimination

Employers should improve their hiring and promotion systems if they discover problems that can be fixed. Doing so after an employee has filed a discrimination complaint isn’t tantamount to admitting guilt.

5th Circuit: ADEA doesn’t allow damages for pain and suffering

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has concluded that employees cannot obtain “pain and suffering” awards from employers that violate the Age Discrimination in Employment Act.