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Employment Law

‘2-for-1’ regulatory plan aims to free up businesses

President Trump’s goal is to alleviate the regulatory burden on employers of all sizes.

Do your supervisors know their FMLA duties?

Mistakes by front-line managers—usually simple, unforced errors—can lead to costly FMLA liability.

Disorganization: Union membership falls to all-time low

Only 10.7% of U.S. workers are now members of labor unions.

EEOC: Take supervisor harassment seriously

The EEOC has signaled its intent to aggressively pursue harassment cases against employers—especially when the harassment is perpetrated by anyone in a supervisory role.

Warn staff: Bullying can bring criminal charges

Employees who harass and abuse co-workers—and supervisors who turn a blind eye to bullying—may end up facing jail time.

Overtime rules appeal deadline pushed back to May 1

The fate of the Department of Labor’s long-delayed new overtime pay rules will not be known for several more weeks. That doesn’t bode well for their eventual enactment.

Microbrewery alleges former exec spilled trade secrets

Summit Brewing in St. Paul is suing its former vice president of sales for providing trade secrets to a direct competitor.

Minority cops: Minneapolis P.D. psych screening test is biased

The psychological test the Minneapolis Police Department uses to screen applicants is biased against minorities, according to some police officers.

Federal court: Minnesota law protects transgender people

A federal court has concluded that Minnesota’s sex discrimination laws include gender identity as a protected status.

Acosta to replace Puzder as Labor Secretary nominee

Law school dean and former NLRB member Alexander Acosta is the Trump administration’s new pick to become Secretary of Labor.