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Employment Law

Military-connected employees? It’s your duty to understand USERRA obligations

USERRA extends workplace protection to those who return to work after active duty. Essentially under USERRA, those employees are no longer at-will employees; you may only terminate them for cause.

FMLA: You can require fitness-for-duty proof

It’s perfectly acceptable to require employees who want to return to work following an absence to present a fitness-for-duty certificate from a medical provider. Just make sure you require it from all similarly situated employees.

Mental health accommodations addressed in EEOC guidance

The ADA only covers mental health conditions if they constitute disabilities, meaning they substantially limit a major life activity.

No EPA claim if the jobs weren’t actually equal

To win an Equal Pay Act claim, an employee must show that a similarly situated employee of the opposite sex was paid more. It’s not enough to merely claim that one sex generally earned more.

The one time it’s good for your handbook to be a contract

An employer has won the right to pursue a contract counterclaim against a former employee based on a provision in the employee handbook.

Beware individual liability for wrongful terminations under Pennsylvania state law

Under the Pennsylvania Human Rights Act, employees who are actively involved in termination decisions may be deemed personally liable for aiding and abetting violations of the law.

Document every aspect of ADA interactive accommodations process

If the employee never requested modifications to an accommodation, he won’t be able to claim later that the employer didn’t engage in the interactive process. The fault would lie with the employee.

Paid leave can be adverse employment action

It seems counter-intuitive, but putting someone on paid administrative leave can be an adverse employment action and the basis for a lawsuit.

Beware retaliation against whistleblowers

To protect the public from unlawful conduct, whistleblower laws make it illegal to retaliate against employees who complain to public agencies about employer actions that endanger the public or break the law.

HR data security: 5 questions to ask IT today

Before you add even one more sensitive file to the server, find out just how secure your systems truly are.