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Employment Law

Don’t let comments about FMLA compromise firing

If a supervisor has previously made snide remarks about an employee’s use of FMLA leave, make sure he isn’t involved in any subsequent disciplinary action against the employee.

Time spent as temp counts toward FMLA eligibility

If you make an employment offer to a worker from a temp agency after observing her work for a few months, be sure to count the earlier time towards FMLA eligibility.

The best way to stop age bias claims: Prove employee was terminated for cause

Employers should always document exactly why they terminated an older employee, even if he or she was replaced by a much younger worker.

Penn State graduate assistants file to unionize

The Coalition of Graduate Employees has teamed with the Pennsylvania Education Association to seek representation for an estimated 3,724 graduate student employees in the Penn State system.

Harassment victims get new lawsuit option

Employees who miss the deadline for filing EEOC complaints may get a second chance following a 3rd Circuit decision in a case involving sexual harassment in Pennsylvania.

Supreme Court may weigh in on anti-gay bias

In early April, two major news stories broke on the employment law beat. There is reason to believe the two developments will soon converge.

No investigation? That’ll be $4.5 million

Say a manager claims a subordinate broke the rules and wants him fired. Don’t just take the boss’s word for it and rubber-stamp that termination recommendation.

Disney to pay $3.8 million for FLSA violations

Those Walt Disney World “cast members” sweltering in the Florida sun were losing more than water weight as they pranced through the Magic Kingdom.

During crunch time, what are the meal break rules for long shifts?

Q. We are entering the busy season at work and would like our employees to work longer hours than usual for the next two months. Do we have any obligations to provide our employees with additional meal breaks if they work longer than eight hours in one day?

‘Opportunity to Work’ legislation proposed

The bill, A.B. 5, would require employers to offer more hours to current, nonexempt employees before they could hire additional help.