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Employment Law

Beware class actions in wage-and-hour cases

It doesn’t take much for a court to approve a class-action overtime lawsuit if it is clear that a company policy affected everyone in the same job classification.

Part-time work isn’t always reasonable accommodation

A court has concluded that, for some jobs, full-time attendance is an essential function. When that’s the case, an employer has no obligation to create a part-time position to accommodate an employee’s disability.

Isolated incidents don’t add up to harassment

Courts don’t expect workplaces to be perfectly harmonious, without any hint of harassment. As long as the behavior doesn’t repeat or become progressively worse, courts generally hesitate to intervene.

DOL near top of regulatory hit list

Only one federal agency earned more ire than the Department of Labor when President Trump asked business interests to weigh in with their ideas on where the government should cut regulations.

Senate HELP Committee wants to undo EEO-1 pay reporting rule

The chair of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions wants the EEOC to rescind changes to the annual EEO-1 report that were instituted during the Obama administration.

The EEOC just made it a bit easier for a disgruntled employee to get a lawsuit off the ground

Five of the EEOC’s offices have launched a new Online Inquiry and Appointment System.

Artificial intelligence begins driving the employment process

In theory, removing bias from the employment equation should enable employers to hire and manage the best employees based on knowledge, skills and abilities. Several HR-related artificial intelligence software packages attempt to do just that.

Regulations proposed for New York’s new paid family leave program

The New York State Workers’ Compensation Board has unveiled proposed regulations for the state’s new Paid Family Leave law. It is intended to complement the existing state disability insurance program.

Lawsuit targets Bloomberg–the business and former mayor

A former salesperson for the Bloomberg media empire has filed a hostile work environment lawsuit against the company, her former boss and the company’s owner, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

NYC mulls legislation to expand employee rights

The New York City Council is considering six bills that would grant workers additional rights, including four aimed specifically at the fast- food industry.