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Employment Law

OSHA postpones rule on electronic injury reporting

OSHA won’t start posting employers’ injury reports on the web on July 1, as originally planned when a controversial rule was finalized last year.

White House: Move OFCCP to EEOC?

Speculation swirled last week that the White House’s 2018 budget would propose moving the Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs to the EEOC.

DNC sued for unpaid OT

More than 40 field organizers have filed a class-action lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee, alleging they weren’t paid for overtime hours they spent making phone calls and knocking on doors during Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Never, ever say a word about applicant’s age

You may see more older workers seeking open positions in your organization. How you treat those applicants can mean the difference between winning or losing an age discrimination lawsuit.

Among Obama rules, execs want ‘quickie elections’ dead

A survey by the Littler law firm asked 1,200 U.S. executives which Obama-era law or regulation would they most like to see repealed or revised.

Past discipline record beats retaliation claim

Here’s another good reason to consistently document all disciplinary actions: If an employee with a history of problems such as rules violations later engages in protected activity, it will be hard for him to show that the discipline was retaliation for engaging in that protected activity.

$1 damage award in University of Minnesota harassment case

A federal jury has awarded just $1 in damages to a former University of Minnesota doctoral student in a two-year-old case that alleged a professor had sexually harassed her on a research trip to Alaska.

Sealy settles harassment charges for $175,000

Sealy of Minnesota has agreed to settle charges it failed to properly address and end racial harassment at its mattress and box spring factory in St. Paul.

Minnesota Supreme Court: Discriminatory animus not required in pregnancy bias case

The Minnesota Supreme Court has remanded a case involving pregnancy discrimination. The trial court will have to decide whether an employer revoked a job offer due to pregnancy.

When promoting from within, make sure you provide anti-harassment training

Remember, employers can be held liable for managerial harassment, even if they’re unaware that anything wrong is happening. Show your good-faith effort to prevent harassment by documenting that you provided training to new managers.