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Employment Law

Give contractors plenty of leeway, so it’s clear they are truly independent

If you plan on using independent contractors to get work done, be sure to grant those workers a great deal of autonomy and freedom to do their work as they see fit. The less effort you make to control how and when they do their jobs, the better off you are.

Was that really a layoff, or just an excuse to get rid of a squeaky wheel?

The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals had reinstated a lawsuit against a grain operator based on the suspicious timing of a discharge and the use of what the court thought sounded like a manufactured excuse for not rehiring the worker.

Religion accommodation not protected … yet

In a case likely to be appealed, the EEOC has lost a bid to have federal courts within the 8th Circuit consider request for religious accommodation to be protected activity.

EEOC sues M&T Bank, alleging disability bias

When Buffalo-based M&T Bank purchased Hudson City Savings Bank, it got a little more than it bargained for. It inherited the fallout from HCSB’s “100%-healed” policy, which requires employees to take sick leave unless they could work with no medical restrictions whatsoever.

Want arbitration? Consider opt-out provision

One of the most difficult aspects of creating a binding arbitration agreement is the almost inevitable litigation over whether the agreement you presented to workers is a legally binding contract. This case shows one way to make a contract binding: Allow employees to opt out up front.

ADA hostile environment claim moves forward

To date, the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals has not ruled definitively that the ADA provides an avenue for a claim of a hostile work environment based on disability. That may soon change. A lower court has approved such a case for trial.

Include it in management training: You just can’t use racial slurs!

Make sure every boss understands that they may never utter obviously racially offensive slurs at work. Even one instance can, under the wrong circumstances, trigger a lawsuit.

Staffing patterns don’t prove workplace bias

Some employees think that if they point out racial homogeneity in a particular office or function, they will be able to persuade a court that they have been discriminated against—even if they have no proof that anything bad happened to them.

When is telecommuting considered a reasonable ADA accommodation?

Q. Our organization rarely if ever lets employees work from home. An employee in our marketing department is struggling with a disability and has asked to work from home as an accommodation. Would that be a reasonable accommodation?

How should staff conducting employment interviews accommodate deaf applicants?

Q. The recruiting manager of our company is interviewing a deaf applicant for an open position. What should she keep in mind during the interview?