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Employment Law

Don’t base hiring decision on medical history


When evaluating applicants, you may consider whether their current health affects their ability to do the job, but you can’t factor in old injuries or medical conditions.

EEOC sues Estée Lauder over unequal leave benefits

Cosmetic giant Estée Lauder faces charges its parental leave benefits discriminate against men.

Philadelphia real estate firm accused of pregnancy bias


A Philadelphia-area real estate investment firm that owns and manages apartment communities, retail shopping centers and professional office buildings faces an EEOC lawsuit after it fired an employee shortly after she disclosed she was pregnant.

Male government biologist files gender bias complaint


A U.S. Forest Service biologist working in Pennsylvania claims he is being discriminated against because of his sex.

Track all leave taken, even after FMLA ends


If you generously provide extra leave for employees who run out of FMLA leave, be sure to document it. Should the employee later accuse your organization of FMLA retaliation, the fact that you approved subsequent leave can demonstrate your good faith.

Remind bosses they must never criticize employees for taking FMLA-covered leave


Employees who find themselves criticized for lower productivity or missed deadlines because they were out may have a legitimate FMLA interference or retaliation claim.

Always get employee’s permission to record conversation about complaints


Here’s a reminder for Pennsylvania employers: Before videotaping or otherwise recording an investigation into an employee complaint, get permission to do so. Otherwise, you may face a wiretapping criminal charge.

3rd Circuit confirms: Pay for short breaks


When an employer in Pennsylvania revamped its break program by requiring workers to log out, it also decided the breaks would be unpaid. That flew in the face of decades of Department of Labor guidance—and provoked a lawsuit.

Wife’s jealousy no excuse to freeze out women


Is spousal jealousy grounds for firing members of a particular sex? According to a recent federal court case, the answer is no if that jealousy is directed to a group of employees rather than one specific worker.

Manage schedule change after harassment


One response to reported sexual harassment is to separate the alleged victim from the alleged harasser. However, if the separation includes a schedule change, the victim may claim that amounted to punishing her for reporting harassment in the first place.