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Employment Law

The NLRB strikes back: 4 big pro-employer moves

In a flurry of decisions in recent days, the National Labor Relations Board reversed years of pro-employee labor rulings that employers opposed. Business groups cheered the decisions, saying they’ll bring much-needed balance to employer-employee relationships. Three key decisions, rendered on Dec. 14 and 15, overturned a string of pro-worker, pro-union NLRB rulings. All were timed […]

Is Green & White Taxi biased against people of color?


Twin Cities-based Green & White Taxi must defend against allegations by current and former drivers that the company only sends white drivers on its most lucrative jobs.

Essentia Healthcare fires 50 staff for refusing flu shots


Citing the risk to patients at its 15 hospitals and 75 clinics, Essentia required employees to get vaccinated or provide documentation substantiating medical or religious objections to the inoculations.

Misclassification doesn’t matter if pay meets minimum


What happens if you misclassify an independent contractor and it turns out she should have been an hourly employee? Regardless of status, you don’t have to worry about meeting a minimum wage requirement if she earned enough to average out to the minimum wage.

Next-day notification OK when need for intermittent FMLA leave wasn’t foreseeable


If someone didn’t foresee the need for leave (for example, because a medical condition flared up suddenly), don’t turn them down just because they waited overnight to ask for time off.

Be careful rescinding offer after medical exam


Employers that withdraw a job offer following a pre-employment medical examination risk being sued. Counter by being able to point to a specific task or set of tasks the exam showed would be impossible for the applicant to perform.

EEOC offers anti-harassment best practices


The EEOC is urging employers to respond to this fall’s national conversation about sexual harassment by reviewing and updating their policies and practices. Based on the EEOC’s 2016 “Harassment in the Workplace” report, here are the best ways employers can prevent sexual harassment in the workplace.

Supreme Court passes on same-sex benefits


On Dec. 4, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear a case testing whether the court’s landmark decision legalizing gay marriage requires government entities to provide the same employee benefits to same-sex couples that heterosexual couples receive.

NLRB takes aim at ‘quickie election’ rule


The National Labor Relations Board has launched a formal bid to overturn a 2014 rule that sped up the election process required to certify union representation of a workforce.

How long must a light-duty reassignment go on?

Q. An employee returned after a work-related injury with doctor restrictions. We put her in a light-duty job, but it’s been more than 90 days with no end in sight. She works a full eight-hour day, but not in the job we hired her for. What can we do?