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Employment Law

Penalties rise for employment law violations


A two-year-old law requires the U.S. Department of Labor to adjust the level of employment law fines each year based on inflation.

Pay discrimination lawsuit: 25¢ was all it took

If men and women do the same work, you must pay them equally.

Is your company eligible for new FMLA tax credit?


The big tax bill signed into law around Christmas includes a welcome new federal tax credit for employers that offer paid family and medical leave to their employees. But pay attention to the fine print—not every employer can take advantage.

Fewer class certs, but settlements soared in 2017


The top 10 settlements in employment-related categories totaled a record high of $2.72 billion—nearly $1 billion more than 2016.

More time to weigh in on new tip pool rule


The Department of Labor has extended the deadline to comment on proposed tip pool rule changes to February 5, 2018. The original deadline was Jan. 3.

New DOL rule loosens restrictions on unpaid internships


The Department of Labor under the Trump administration has rescinded the six-factor test and now uses a “primary beneficiary test” in which seven factors are weighed.

Beware discipline after employee talks to EEOC


It’s unlawful to punish employees for cooperating with the EEOC. If anyone who has been in contact with the EEOC is suddenly fired, reassigned or otherwise subjected to some negative action, you’re courting a retaliation lawsuit.

Joint employment definition takes a pro-employer turn


A new ruling by the National Labor Relations Board has defined a joint employer as one that exercises “direct and immediate” control over worker activities. For employers, that’s a welcome return to normal after two years of uncertainty.

OSHA whistleblower awarded more than $173,000


An employee who was fired for reporting improper asbestos removal procedures at a Gloverville, N.Y. school worksite in 2010 has been awarded $173,794 in damages.

American Airlines offers equity stake to settle ADA bias lawsuit


American Airlines, along with its subsidiary Envoy Air, has settled a class-action disability discrimination suit for $9.8 million.