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Employment Law

Watch out for the hidden peril of constantly seeking new applicants


Some employers like to keep résumés and applications on hand just in case they need to fill a position on short notice. But running frequent ads to generate up-to-date résumés can backfire if you end up terminating someone, even for good cause. He might try to argue that your ad proves you were planning to fire him even before the supposed triggering event occurred.

Firing for absences under no-fault policy? Check for FMLA, accommodation requests


Employees with disabilities who are also eligible for FMLA leave have limited protection from discharge if they miss work because of complications related to their disabilities. However, employers also have a legitimate right to expect workers to show up for work most of the time.

Beware retaliation following bias complaint


When a worker claims she experienced sexual harassment and sex discrimination, how you handle it may determine if you will eventually face a lawsuit. Any hint that the employee was punished for coming forward will probably result in litigation.

Feds up the ante on religious accommodation


The Trump administration is increasing protection for workers who object to assignments and other conditions of employment based on their religious beliefs.

Industry alone may decide who DOL probes


Even employers that scrupulously adhere to federal employment laws may have to contend with U.S. Department of Labor investigators. That’s because a particular employer’s conduct often has little to do with the DOL knocking on an employer’s door.

Settlement in case alleging disability-related questions


Strataforce, a staffing company that operates in four states including California, has settled charges its hiring procedures violated the ADA.

Administrative exemption focuses on core business


In order to claim a worker is exempt under the administrative exemption of the California Labor Code, an employee must do work directly related to management policies or general business operations of his employer or employer’s customers. Mere support work doesn’t count.

One case, two destinations: Arbitration and court!


Here’s a decision that may complicate matters for employers that use arbitration agreements to keep employment disagreements out of federal courts.

Court of Appeal rules multiple arbitration agreements are permissible


Employers that want to arbitrate all employment-related disputes have won support from California’s state appellate court system, which ruled it acceptable to create different arbitration agreements for different employment-related purposes, each with different terms and conditions.

‘Political correctness’ doesn’t matter: Political belief isn’t a protected characteristic


Some recently fired employees looking for reasons to sue their employers have started grasping at the gunwales of a “political correctness” lifeboat. Nice try but no dice was the verdict in a recent 9th Circuit Court of Appeals case.