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Employment Law

Determine legitimacy of absence through call-off rules

You expect employees to show up on time, as scheduled. But absences do happen, for many reasons. The only way to separate legitimate absences from frivolous or fraudulent ones is to require prior notice and a reason.

It’s not just the FLSA—monitor and comply with state and local wage-and-hour laws, too

Make it a point to monitor state and local wage-and-hour laws and prepare in advance to comply.

DOL renews partnership to end gender-based harassment

The U.S. Department of Labor announced that its Women’s Bureau renewed a memorandum of understanding with the International Labour Organization office for the United States and Canada to continue working together to end gender-based violence and harassment in the world of work.

How Trump’s coming NLRB revamp will affect employers

The National Labor Relations Board under the Biden administration has been widely recognized as the most pro-worker, pro-union board in decades. With President-elect Trump about to take office, that’s soon to change.

Stay on the right side of NLRA when designing your dress code

The National Labor Relations Act specifically allows workers to wear buttons signifying their support for a labor union. How many buttons? Recent cases brought before the National Labor Relations Board, which enforces the NLRA, have raised that very question.

Prepare now for pending military deployments related to immigration enforcement

President-elect Trump has vowed to begin mass deportations of undocumented immigrants as soon as he takes office. Executing such a sweeping plan will likely require the deployment of dozens if not hundreds of National Guard units. Depending on the outcome of legal challenges that are almost certain to be filed, military-reserve units could be called to service, too.

Prepare for Trump administration’s impact on DOL

With each change in administration, there’s a change in how federal agencies operate. When President-elect Trump takes office Jan. 20, expect rapid change at the U.S. Department of Labor.

Make sure your commitment to supporting military-connected employees is clear

When supervisors and managers express annoyance at the inconvenience that comes with weekend drills and frequent short deployments, that’s a recipe for a USERRA discrimination lawsuit if the employee is terminated or disciplined and thinks they are being targeted for retaliation. On the other hand, if management openly supports military service, there’s a good change that a court or jury will presume the employer doesn’t discriminate.

Federal court decision may cripple NLRB authority

Last month we reported on a federal judge’s ruling that struck down National Labor Relations Board rules that prevent the agency’s administrative law judges from being fired at will. The opinion could hamstring the NLRB’s ability to conduct its business of enforcing the National Labor Relations Act.

EEOC warns: ‘Wearables’ may cause workplace discrimination

Wearables in the workplace are mostly perceived as benign management tools, although some complain they represent a dystopian step toward Big Brother surveillance. Now the EEOC has weighed in with a fact sheet warning that wearables could enable or perpetuate workplace discrimination and suggesting how employers can mitigate liability.