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Employment Law

Trade-Secret clauses aren’t necessary for all workers


Q. To protect my business’s trade secrets, do I need to have all my employees sign employment contracts that include a trade-secret clause? —K.R., Michigan

Waiver protection is limited


Q. Many of my former employees want me to provide post-employment references, but I’m afraid of liability. Can I ask them to sign a release giving me permission to provide references that would absolve me from any liability? —A.K., Virginia

Go the distance to deliver final paycheck


Q. Over the last six months, we have made several attempts to mail a former employee her last paycheck by certified mail. We believe that we have the correct address because we mailed her other items by regular mail during this period and none have been returned. What legal obligations do we have, if any, to get this check to her? —R.Y., Washington, D.C.

Don’t rely on written policy to prevent harassment


Q. Our company is considering anti-harassment training for all employees. Some individuals are concerned that it will stir up lawsuits. Do you recommend such training? —J.R., Maine

You can be liable for worker’s online slur

After Tammy Blakey sued Continental Airlines for sexual harassment, her co-workers used an online bulletin board to post derogatory gender-based messages …

Let applicant decide if job threatens his health

Mario Echazabal worked for contractors at a Chevron oil refinery in California for 20 years before he applied to work directly for the company in the same unit. But Chevron refused …

Advocating for minorities can be grounds for bias claim

John B. Johnson doesn’t say he was discriminated against because he is an African-American but because he advocated for minorities in his role …

Be wary of firing employees for aggressive union organizing

John Ramirez’s union asked him to apply for a welder’s job to help organize the workers. He got the job and quickly started rallying support for a union bid. But …

More reason to prevent race bias: Courts open new avenue for claims

Jackie Lauture, an African-American, was an at-will employee at IBM for 16 years before she was fired for poor performance. She sued for race discrimination …

Leave nothing unsaid or undone when settling a lawsuit

William Gilbert III agreed to settle his age discrimination case against Monsanto Co. by accepting a lump sum payment and immediate access to his pension. Because the company’s attorney said …