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Employment Law

Employees online? Take a byte out of your liability

No employer wants to explain to a court why jokes like “Why beer is better than women” are bouncing around the company e-mail system. But that’s the position more companies are …

No need to give ‘bonus points’ to disabled applicants

Nancy Houser suffered a severe elbow injury at work, making it impossible to use that arm for lifting in her warehouse job. The company transferred her to greeting visitors …

Year-old pay comparisons can show bias

Carol Broadus did it all, from building computers to training employees to fixing problems, all for an hourly rate that equaled about $22,000 a year. But within …

Series of ‘minor’ incidents
can add up to hostile environment

Cheryl Conner blew away her male co-workers in skills training for her new metal-processing job. The trouble started when she went from the classroom …

Be wary of limiting workers’ job prospects

Because a temporary staffing agency wanted to protect its investment in recruiting and hiring temps, it made its temps sign restrictive covenants preventing …

Setting a ‘no restrictions’ policy could open you to ADA lawsuits

Rhonda Otting took leave to control her epilepsy through surgery and medication. When the doctor released her to return to work as a J.C. Penney sales associate …

Know the law on what’s considered paid and unpaid on-call time

Electronic technicians for Oklahoma Gas & Electric were required to monitor pagers and home computers while they were on call nights and weekends. Even though …

Don’t ‘shoot the messenger’, retaliation claim will usually stick

Restaurant manager Peter Ball knew that one of his waiters was preparing to sue the restaurant for unpaid overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). When Ball alerted the company …

Use new EEOC manual to ensure your benefits don’t discriminate

Whether you’ve been revving up employee benefits to find and keep top talent or paring them down to control costs, take a closer look at the impact. The Equal Employment …

Adapt work schedules to worship, religious TV shows included

Employers are required to adjust work schedules to accommodate their employees’ religious observances, even for nontraditional beliefs. In a recent case, an employee …