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Employment Law

Evacuation plan? New guide helps you avoid ADA complaints

If you’re revamping your workplace evacuation plans in the wake of Sept. 11, check out new guidance from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The problem: In determining who …


Q Our policy says an employee must work the workday before and after a holiday to receive holiday pay. If an employee is on Family and Medical Leave Act leave, is he entitled to holiday pay? —G.P., Indiana

‘Gross Misconduct’ Cancels COBRA Coverage


Q. Do I have to provide a COBRA notice for an employee who is terminated for a positive drug test shortly after starting work? —D.W., Colorado

Ask about right to work, not immigration status


Q. Is it OK to ask an applicant about her immigration status before making an offer of employment? —A.R., New York

Blue Mondays? Thwart Attempt at 3-Day Weekends


Q. How can we handle an employee who routinely uses vacation and sick time on Mondays? —D.M., Ohio

Deciding who’s exempt? Focus on employee’s duties, not job title

Twenty former Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) employees won back overtime pay when they sued under the Fair Labor Standards Act. The workers successfully argued that they were wrongly classified as exempt …

Paycheck problems: Know limits on deductions, promptness of pay

Two mistakes with Trina Richardson’s final paycheck cost her employer, an Oregon credit union, more than the check itself. Here’s where the company went wrong: Improper deduction. The credit union …

Staring can be sexual harassment

Assembly-line worker Michelle Birschtein complained to her foreman when a forklift driver made sexual remarks to her. The driver never spoke to her again, but he did stare at her, five …

Each paycheck can equal a discriminatory act

After six years on the job, Gerard Cardenas quit and sued his company, alleging that he was paid less because he is a Mexican American. A lower court tossed out his …

You can correct FMLA mistakes

In golf, they call it a mulligan. Kids call it a “do-over.” And in the world of Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) administration, it can be legal to do an …