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Employment Law

Don’t stray from layoff procedures

A 65-year-old employee was laid off as part of a reduction in force. She claimed her supervisor had made age-related comments, and the company failed to follow its published RIF criteria …

Beware new court trend: Employees use expert to shift blame for failure

If an employee drags you into court, don’t be surprised if the worker totes along his own expert witness to put your company in a bad light. More employees are …

Employees can refuse to work due to safety fears, even at nonunion site

Three apartment maintenance workers refused to scrape and paint a water-damaged ceiling after they saw a TV report on airborne-asbestos health risks. When they voiced a concern, their supervisor said there …

Don’t raise performance bar solely on workers taking FMLA

Talk about a multimillion-dollar mistake. In a case that could spell a trend as more baby boomers care for aging parents, an Illinois federal jury awarded $11.65 million to a hospital …

Transfer to more demanding job doesn’t add up to retaliation

After railroad laborer Sheila White complained that her foreman sexually harassed her, her employer investigated and temporarily suspended the foreman without pay. Soon after, the company gave White’s forklift duties to …

True ‘disability’ limits employees’ life activities, not just job tasks

After less than a month on the job, Mark Mack was put on leave when an injury prevented him from lifting and kneeling, both of which were required for his job …

Reimburse any pre-employment costs that cut into minimum wage.

Migrant workers at a Florida farm were required to pay expenses out of pocket for securing work visas and traveling to job sites. Because these costs amounted to “pre-employment deductions” from …

Failed romance frustration doesn’t equal sex harassment.

A corporate officer had an on-again/off-again dating relationship with his direct subordinate. After the couple’s third dating stint ended, the boss sent e-mails and gifts to his lost love, asking her …

Noncash compensation counts toward minimum wage

You probably don’t have employees living in your workplace, but a recent case illustrates your vulnerability to lawsuits if you keep workers tethered to the job, either physically or by phone, …

Wise up to national-origin bias rules; claims spiked in 2002

Acquaint yourself with newly updated guidelines from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) that teach employers how to foster work environments free of national-origin discrimination. Coming on the heels of 9/11, …