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Employment Law

Don’t Require Direct Deposit


Q. Can a business require employees to use direct deposit of paychecks? —N.C., Kansas

One ‘come-on’ can equal sexual harassment

Don’t hesitate to discipline first-time sexual-harassment violators. Even one outrageous comment or act, if severe enough, can make your company liable for fostering …

Lower-level bias can illegally taint firing decision

When it comes to discrimination affecting your company’s hiring and firing decisions, what you don’t know can hurt you. That’s why it’s important to reiterate …

Anyone can challenge medical inquiries, not just disabled workers

Don’t let your guard down when interviewing someone who doesn’t appear to suffer from a disability. If you ask an illegal question, anyone can hit you with …

Fast fix to FLSA error can save you, but ‘correction window’ closes fast

If you screw up on a Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) pay issue, don’t count on the “window of corrections” to save you. Sure, this Labor Department rule allows you to …

Your safety rules outweigh employee ‘personal appearance’ rights.

Company dress codes will withstand any legal challenge if they’re gender-neutral and involve a legitimate business reason. Recent example: A county prohibited …

Simple pain complaint doesn’t count as FMLA notice.

A worker who previously fractured his coccyx told his boss he was “in pain from his tailbone” and needed to go to the doctor that day. Although the boss told him …

Don’t conspire with competitors to freeze workers out of a job

Never agree with another company to refrain from hiring each other’s employees unless your workers and the other company’s workers sign the agreement. Reason: …

Job-bias claims in 2002 saw biggest one-year jump in decade

Here’s one more reason to crank up your anti-discrimination training: Job-discrimination complaints filed in 2002 with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)jumped …

Beware unintended bias against unmarried workers, applicants

A new study gives your single employees and applicants new ideas for a lawsuit. The study by consultant Challenger, Gray and Christmas says unmarried people …