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Employment Law

Don’t let weather closings bury you in pay confusion

If your business closes because of bad weather, clear rules dictate who you must pay. First, exempt employees must receive their full salaries when bad weather …

You don’t have to offer FMLA leave to let worker travel with sick spouse

Courts keep pushing the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) boundaries, letting employees take job-protected leave for circumstances other than physically providing care to a sick family member.

Title VII remedies not available to church workers.

The press secretary for Chicago’s Catholic bishop sued her employer, charging sex discrimination in violation of Title VII. But the court said she served a …

No pay for employee commute–even on ferry.

To travel to and from their job at an island-based prison, a group of Washington state social workers had to take a daily 20-minute ferry ride. They weren’t paid for …

Be wary of giving employees automatic post-injury drug tests

Steer clear of drafting (or continuing to follow) a company policy that says all employees involved in workplace accidents will automatically receive …

Monitor your job board’s security; fake want ads appearing online

Monster.com recently notified users that scam artists could be using its job board to pose as employers and post phony want ads. The bad guys’ goal: Collect personal information from unsuspecting …

Workers on military leave? Take obligations seriously

More than 175,000 reserve and National Guard troops have been called to active duty, putting a serious strain on many businesses. If one or more of your employees …

Hiring summer interns? Keep it legal, dude

Expect a bumper crop of eager interns this summer, thanks in part to the still-struggling economy. While internships can be a win/win situation for employers and students, …

Set Policy, Check State Law for ‘Snow Day’ Pay


Q. An ice storm recently knocked out power in 87 percent of the city. Our company had no power from Sunday until Wednesday. Some hourly employees showed up to work Monday because they live in surrounding counties and didn’t know about the outage. Are we obligated to pay those who showed up but were unable to work? —D.K., Kentucky

Audit your classifications before requiring overtime


Q. What are the legal ramifications of requiring all employees to work a minimum of 45 hours a week (nine hours a day)? Everyone in the office is an exempt employee. —S.M., New Jersey