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Employment Law

Don’t change benefits without union’s knowledge.

For more than 30 years, a company sponsored blood donation drives twice a year. Employees could participate during paid work time. But when the com-pany changed its policy, …

Pay for ‘donning, doffing’ time but not for time spent waiting

As shown by a few recent high-profile court cases, employees should be paid for time spent at the workplace putting on and taking off required work clothes and equipment …

Fact: Employers win large majority of ADA cases

The American Bar Association’s latest survey of ADA employment discrimination cases says companies prevail 94.5 percent of the time in court and 78.1 percent of the time in administrative complaints …

Big settlement over dress code will spark scrutiny of uniform law

Avoid dress-code rules that have no clear business reason or health and safety reason, plus check with your state labor department to see if your state has a pay-for-uniform …

Encouraging diversity: Lessons from Supreme Court’s affirmative-action rulings

The U.S. Supreme Court’s pivotal rulings in the University of Michigan affirmative action cases this summer provide some direction on how far employers can go …

How to close the door on invasion-of-privacy lawsuits

Most companies don’t spend a lot of time worrying about their employees’ privacy rights. But they should. Consider this: Privacy lawsuits jumped 300 percent …

Pre-employment testing: Know the legal limits

THE LAW. Pre-employment tests are an effective tool to discover applicant’s skills or abilities that can’t be gleaned from an application or interview. And …

Different vacation policies are legal if done fairly


Q. We are rewriting our vacation pay policy. Currently, we have two categories of hourly employees. Can we offer 10 vacation days after two years to some employees and five days for the same period to other employees? Can we offer different benefits to salaried and hourly employees? —S.P., Washington

Pay for Prep Time if It’s ‘Integral’ to Job


Q. We expect our bank tellers to be at their workstations and ready to open at 9:15 a.m. Should the tellers punch in before or after they go to the safe and get their money? —L.S., Michigan

Which posters to post?


Q. We’ve received differing information on exactly what notices we’re legally supposed to post in our office. Where can I find a reliable listing? —W.I., New York