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Employment Law

Stop disgruntled staff from hijacking your Web domains

Issue: Former employees with an ax to grind against your organization can register Web domain names that your organization may want for itself. Benefit: You can prevent them from doing …

Don’t delay on FMLA decision; act quickly or risk liability

Issue: Notifying employees that their leave qualifies under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Risk: Courts tend to resolve borderline FMLA eligibility disputes in favor of employees. Action: …

You can’t play politics with employees’ political choices

Issue: In this election year, politics will become a hot topic around the water cooler.
Risk: Retaliating against employees for their off-site political activities or comments can run you into …

Craft a ‘last-chance pact’ with on-the-ropes employees

Issue: Written “last-chance agreements” give poor-performing employees one final opportunity to shape up. Risk: Some fear that last-chance pacts will violate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Action: Go …

You can require tests to set disability accommodations

Issue: How to follow Americans with Disabilities Act rules requiring an “interactive process” with disabled employees.
Benefit: You can reject an accommodation request if the employee won’t cooperate in the …

Business trip injury qualifies for workers’ comp


Q. One of our nonexempt employees was traveling with her boss to other company sites to conduct meetings. After one meeting, she and the boss went to dinner, which the company paid for. During the meal, the employee broke a crown on her front tooth, requiring emergency dental work. Would this fall under workers’ compensation? —R.B., Alabama

Improving applicant interviews: 10 do’s and don’ts

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Don’t ‘Oversell’ a job opening


Avoid the temptation to lure star applicants by painting an overly rosy financial picture of the organization or making misleading statements about job security. One faulty promise could lead to a fraud lawsuit …

Keep health data private: ‘HIPAA time’ nears for small firms

Issue: The federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) places new privacy requirements on employers. Risk: Smaller businesses must start complying in April. Fines range from $100 per violation …

Hiring interns? Keep it legal, dude

Issue: How to avoid the often-overlooked liabilities of using interns in your workplace. Risk: Courts view interns the same as employees, as “agents” of your organization. Plus, you face extra …