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Employment Law

USERRA: Know your duty to returning disabled reservists

THE LAW. You may know that the federal Uniform Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) requires employers to reinstate employees who take military-related leave, plus it prohibits job discrimination against …

Drug testing is perfectly legal … if done properly


Q. I have an employee who says that our drug-testing program is a violation of his constitutional rights. What can I tell him (or show him) to prove that we’re well within the law? —S.H., Texas

Beware of hidden legal risks in annual HR audits

Issue: HR audits can help you identify weak points in your employment-law compliance.
Risk: If you don’t act on the audit’s recommendations (and employees find out) that mistake can kill …

Teach managers how to handle staff returning from injury

Issue: Employees who return from injury leave may or may not be covered under the ADA.
Risk: By treating employees as if they’re “disabled” (even if they’re not), supervisors create …

Using insensitive nicknames can spell bias

Issue: Some supervisors, particularly males, try to bond with employees by giving them nicknames.
Risk: When nicknames are insensitive to a protected class (race, ethnicity, etc.), they could trigger hostile-environment …

Know the 5 ‘musts’ for age-discrimination waivers

Issue: Very precise wording is needed when employees waive their rights to sue for age discrimination.
Risk: Employers often treat age-bias waivers like any other waiver, a critical mistake that …

You can’t ask employees to sign away FMLA rights

Issue: Severance packages usually ask departing employees to waive their rights to file various employment lawsuits.
Risk: If you include FMLA in that mix, you’ll risk having the whole package …

You can track hours for exempt and nonexempt staff


Q. We have mechanics who work on a straight commission basis. Do we need to track their hours? —E.D., Nevada

When must you pay nonexempt employees for travel?

Issue: Many employers are baffled about how to pay nonexempt employees when they travel locally or on overnight trips.
Risk: Mistakes could spark anything from mild complaints to class-action lawsuits, …

Don’t try to muzzle employee gossip

You may not like employees comparing their bonus checks or bad-mouthing their managers in the break room, but don’t even think about trying to silence such off-duty chats. If you do, …