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Employment Law

Keep ‘Customer Preference’ Out of Your Hiring Criteria


Make sure your hiring managers understand that basing hiring decisions on the prejudices of your customer base is a sure way to land in court. Applicants’ race, age, sex or religion should always be irrelevant. Courts won’t be swayed by claims that customer preferences forced your hiring hand …

State law decides if workers can see personnel file


Q. Are we required to let terminated employees come in and view their actual personnel files, or can we copy the information and send it via mail? One of our fired employees has hired an attorney and wants to see her file. —T.M. California

You can remove injured worker for safety reasons


Q. An employee told us he has a bad hernia. He wants to wait a couple months to have the operation, since it requires six weeks’ recovery. He does some lifting in his job. Yesterday, he had to go home early because he was in pain. Now that we are aware of his condition, what’s our liability? And what should we do? —D.C., New Jersey

Make Your Return-to-Work Requirements Reasonable


Can you probe into employees’ conditions when they’re returning from medical leave? If you ask too many questions of such workers (or erect too many roadblocks to their return), you’ll risk a lawsuit. Use your right to medical certification appropriately, but don’t go overboard …

Revise your overly complex employee review methods


If your evaluation procedures are too complicated, employees may question whether they’re being treated fairly. Mild suspicions can quickly grow into expensive discrimination lawsuits, as a new court ruling shows …

Female worker replaced by a female may still pursue sex bias case


You may think that your organization is immune from a sex discrimination lawsuit if you hire a female employee to replace a fired female. But such "free passes" don’t automatically exist … and your supervisors should know it …

Decrease in Overtime Hours Not Necessarily an ‘Adverse Action’


Employees need to prove they suffered some sort of "adverse job action" (firing, demotion, worse job conditions, etc.) to file a discrimination lawsuit. But variations in work schedules don’t necessarily amount to an adverse action. That’s true even if an employee’s altered schedule results in fewer overtime hours …

Two doctor visits during incapacity period define a serious condition


Don’t assume that an employee’s three-day absence and two doctor’s visits will automatically equal a "serious health condition" that qualifies the employee for FMLA leave. A new court ruling says it matters when those two doctor’s visits occur …

You may be liable for wage claims from contractor’s illegal workers


You might think outsourcing jobs to an independent contractor saves money. But if you insist on exercising any significant control over how, when and where independent contractors do their job, you may end up paying dearly in the end if your organization is deemed the true employer …

Show your defense cards early in the lawsuit game


By having a tough anti-discrimination policy and a clear complaint procedure, you establish what lawyers call an "affirmative defense," meaning you have a weapon to defend yourself in court. But you must put forth those affirmative defenses very early in a lawsuit …