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Employment Law

Set rules on personal use of company cars


During his lunch break, an employee at a California car dealership drove a company car on a personal errand. He rear-ended another car and injured the driver, who sued the car dealership and won $277,662 in damages. The dealership’s handbook offered no specifics regarding personal use of company property …

New guidelines sound alarm on race, color bias


The EEOC just revamped its guidance on racial and color discrimination in the workplace. These changes signal increased race-bias enforcement, plus more EEOC attention to "subtle" discrimination …

FMLA absence shouldn’t trigger attendance penalty


Q. We have a point system for absences and lateness. Our no-fault attendance policy states that if employees call off after the start of their shift, they’ll receive two points. What if the reason for the absence is covered by the FMLA? Should the employee still receive the two points? —C.S., Florida

Don’t let opinions of employees cloud your decisions

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Inappropriate nicknames can lead to bias lawsuits

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‘Excellent’ job review can still be considered retaliation


Giving someone an "excellent" performance rating may seem like a nondiscriminatory act. But, as a new court case shows, high praise can still be deemed retaliation if the review is worse than a previous one and it hurts the employee’s ability to earn a bonus or promotion …

A Costly Lesson in Allowing Off-the-Clock Work


Make sure supervisors understand what counts as "paid time" and remind them that they should not encourage employees to work off the clock. Example of the risk: Compass Bank of Birmingham, Ala., recently shelled out more than $1 million in unpaid overtime to 2,961 employees …

Rid handbooks of risky outdated policies


If it’s been awhile since the last overhaul of your employee handbook, you may be courting danger. Establish a regular revision schedule for your handbook, updating it once a year or whenever significant statutory changes occur …

Team-Building Events: Fun is good; employee humiliation is bad


It’s summertime, and corporate thoughts turn to company picnics and outdoor morale-boosting efforts. One word of caution: If your team-building exercises go beyond three-legged sack races and into the realm of reality TV, you could be headed for a lawsuit …

Professional exemption limited when applied to medical staff


Don’t assume that medical employees with advanced training and licenses meet the FLSA’s "learned profession" exemption, which allows employers to pay lawyers and doctors by the hour and still not pay them …