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Employment Law

Settling PHRC cases early makes financial sense


When facing a discrimination claim filed with the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, it makes sense for employers to try to settle as early as possible, before the agency holds hearings and files an opinion …

Troopers Cite ADA and Privacy in Lawsuit Over Call-In Policy


The Pennsylvania State Troopers’ Association has filed a lawsuit against the state police, arguing that troopers shouldn’t have to tell their duty desk the specific reason they’re calling in sick. The association alleges that the call-in policy violates the ADA because it may force troopers to disclose a disability …

State Pays Out Nearly $4 Million After Firing at-Will Employee


If you’ve ever wondered how much it costs an employer to defend a discrimination lawsuit, a Pennsylvania case may provide the answer …

EEOC settles race case over training discrimination


The EEOC and Jameson Memorial Hospital settled a federal lawsuit that was originally filed last February. The New Castle hospital will pay $50,000 to an African-American radiology technician who claimed the hospital denied him training opportunities because of his race …

State to host conference on job safety, health next month


Workplace safety experts, take note: The state will host its annual Occupational Safety and Health Conference on Oct. 16 & 17 at the Hershey Lodge & Convention Center …

Pennsylvania to reduce unemployment taxes next year


With the Pennsylvania economy doing well and unemployment down, the commonwealth has decided to reduce the amount that employers will have to pay into the unemployment compensation (UC) system in 2007. UC taxes on employers will decline by an estimated $158 million …

Understanding religious accommodations in Pennsylvania workplaces


Pennsylvania mirrors America’s growing diversity in many ways. Today, mosques occupy old churches; co-workers wear burqas and yarmulkes; and some employees request "prayer breaks." Religious diversity is a reason for celebration in a pluralistic society, but it also presents challenges in the workplace …

Must you pay employees for the commute? Sometimes, yes


If you think you don’t have to start paying hourly employees until they arrive at the official job site, think again. While it’s true that you don’t normally need to compensate employees for their home-to-work commute, you might have to pay for the travel time if you impose restrictions on that commute or require them to stop along the way …

Give staff at least 15 days to obtain FMLA certification


When it comes to collecting proof about an employee’s FMLA medical leave, one stupid mistake can cost your organization big bucks. That mistake? Not giving employees at least 15 calendar days to obtain the necessary medical certification to prove their need for FMLA leave …

Add early-Termination clauses to all employment contracts


If you use employment contracts to ensure that you have specially trained employees for a predictable time period, make sure the contract gives you "wiggle room" to terminate the employee …