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Employment Law

Big firms seeking partners that can prove staff diversity


In recent years, large corporations have begun imposing work force diversity mandates on their suppliers. As a result, midsize organizations that want to win contracts scramble to prove diversity among their staffs …

No more hide-and-seek: new duty to retain electronic data


When it comes to evidence presented to win or defend against civil lawsuits, employers no longer can play a game of hide-and-seek. The new game in town is 1-2-3 Show M’e-discovery …

6 legally vital elements in staffing-firm contracts


When negotiating contracts with employee outsourcing firms, many organizations make background checks an afterthought and leave the specifics up to the agency. That’s a  big mistake …

FMLA: All managers can face personal liability for leave mistakes


If you’re looking for incentives to get managers and supervisors to pay attention during FMLA training sessions, look no further. Simply point out that they can be held personally liable if they deny FMLA benefits to which an employee is entitled

North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Act


North Carolina’s workers’ compensation system protects employees who are injured on the job by replacing lost wages while they recover. The state Industrial Commission (www.comp.state.nc.us/) administers the law …

North Carolina Retaliatory Employment Discrimination Act


The Retaliatory Employment Discrimination Act (REDA) is North Carolina’s super anti-discrimination law combining elements of several federal laws, including Title VII, the Fair Labor Standards Act, OSHA and USERRA. The Employment Discrimination Bureau in the state Department of Labor (www.nclabor.com/edb/edb.htm) enforces REDA

Can you face legal risk for completing salary surveys?

To set competitive salaries, you've probably filled out compensation surveys and maybe even managed such surveys yourself. But recent classaction lawsuits have led some HR professionals and business execs to rethink their participation in (or hosting of) such surveys.

Offer at least 15 days to turn in FMLA paperwork

An automotive company granted a welder FMLA leave until Dec. 10. But due to medical complications, she called on Dec. 4 requesting an extension. A company nurse orally approved the extension but asked for certification.

Handle application liars consistently: Reject all or none


As an employer, you can’t always wait on a background check before offering a job, so you have to rely on applicants’ oral and written statements to make the offer. But when the background check comes back to reveal that the person lied, you have the absolute right to terminate that individual for dishonesty …

Contract will still stick, even if employee fails to read it


When faced with a multipage employment contract, some job candidates and employees may be tempted to skip a careful reading before they sign on the dotted line. But state courts won’t excuse employees who claim that they didn’t understand the employment terms because they never read them …