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Employment Law

New Class-Action Suits Show Need to Track Hours Closely


In light of a slew of recent wage-and-hour lawsuits against big companies like Wal-Mart and UPS, now’s a good time to review how you track the hours worked by employees. Reason: Following the Wal-Mart lawsuit lead, clever lawyers now seek out one or two unhappy employees who want to start a class-action case under the Fair Labor Standards Act

To prevent promotion bias, seek co-workers’ input


Sometimes, all the candidates for a promotion are equally qualified, making the selection difficult. It becomes a legally prickly issue when one or more of the candidates is in a protected category (race, age, gender, etc.). But you don’t have to resort to drawing straws

Job hazard may trigger workers’ comp years later


When it comes to workplace hazards, take note: Georgia employees have a very long time to file for workers’ comp benefits. As a result, you should keep meticulous records for many years on where and when employees worked …

Suicide may entitle survivor to workers’ comp


If a Georgia employee becomes despondent after an on-the-job injury and kills himself, his employer may be liable for workers’ compensation benefits for his survivors …

Check employees’ work history if they claim a disability


Just because a doctor sets a physical restriction on an employee, that doesn’t mean the employee is “disabled” and entitled to special ADA accommodations …

Professor sues Georgia College for discrimination, retaliation


A former professor recently filed a federal discrimination lawsuit against Georgia College & State University, claiming he was denied tenure because of his age, gender and disability …

EEOC sues modeling school over firing of pregnant director


The EEOC recently filed a lawsuit against Barbizon School of Modeling of Atlanta for firing a director five days after she gave birth. The former director, who worked at its Macon location, claims Barbizon terminated her because of her pregnancy …

School superintendent sued for discriminating against whites


A white administrator at Westside High School recently filed a federal discrimination lawsuit against the Richmond County school superintendent, claiming she was denied a job as adult education director because of her race …

Workplace violence: Georgia law opens liability beyond workers’ comp


Twelve percent of all violent crimes committed in the United States occur in the workplace. And Georgia employers face unique legal challenges in their response to such violence …

Use Applicant-Tracking Policy to Prevent Hiring-Bias Claims


To ward off any hint of hiring bias, develop a tracking system that allows you to easily show who applied for jobs and where you routed their applications …