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Employment Law

New civil union law: How must employers respond?


Now that New Jersey has become the third state to allow civil union among same-sex couples, employers need to rethink some of their HR policies and practices, particularly with employee benefits …

N.J. targeting firms that misclassify independent contractors


It looks like Gov. Jon Corzine is serious about making sure employers don’t misclassify their employees as independent contractors to avoid paying taxes …

Intoxicated employee can still win workers’ comp benefits


Under the New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Law, employees who are hurt at work because they were intoxicated can’t receive workers’ compensation benefits. Yet employers should be aware of the law’s fine print …

Use unemployment comp decision to defend a bias lawsuit


Here’s another good reason to aggressively contest unemployment compensation claims when you have strong evidence that the company fired the employee for a good cause (such as lying or stealing): You can use an unemployment compensation ruling to prove, in a later discrimination lawsuit, that you fired an employee for a valid, nondiscriminatory reason

You Needn’t Accommodate Some ‘Serious’ Ailments


While the ADA says organizations must provide reasonable accommodations to people with qualifying disabilities, be aware that many apparently serious conditions aren’t limiting enough to be considered disabilities …

Advocates push for equal rights for illegal alien workers in N.J.


The ACLU, AFL-CIO and other groups have filed a petition accusing the United States, New Jersey and several other state governments of human rights violations by refusing to grant equal rights to illegal immigrant workers …

‘Continuing violation’ rule allows worker to file bias claims years late


Employers may think they’re off the hook if an employee doesn’t file a legal complaint on time. But filing requirements can sometimes be stretched, as a recent federal district court ruling shows …

Harassed for going to Iraq: Margate officer wins lawsuit


A police officer recently won a harassment lawsuit against the city of Margate for the city’s response when the U.S. Army Reserve called him to active duty …

Restaurant in Wayne accused of labor and wage violations


Three former employees at a Chinese restaurant in Wayne filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) alleging unfair labor practices …

Same-Sex Unions in N.J.: Responsibilities and Restrictions of the New Law


Same-sex unions are now a reality in New Jersey, and employers will have to change the way they deal with employees as a result. It’s too early to tell exactly what steps employers will need to take, but it’s important to understand what led to the decision and legislation