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Employment Law

Even lost opportunity for overtime may be considered illegal retaliation


After last year’s blockbuster U.S. Supreme Court decision that made it easier for employees to sue for workplace retaliation (Burlington Northern v. White), courts have been trying to figure out how to apply that ruling in real-life situations …

In layoffs, keep FMLA leave out of performance rankings


Employees are not immune from layoffs simply because they’ve taken FMLA leave in the past (or are currently out on FMLA leave). But when analyzing performance to determine which employees to lay off, keep FMLA leave days out of the decision

Whistle-Blower claims can be forced into arbitration


Texas law makes it illegal to discipline health care workers for reporting wrongdoing to authorities. But when such employees feel they’ve been retaliated against for blowing the whistle, they can’t automatically run to court …

Employees Can Sue to Rescind Early-Retirement Offers


A federal district court judge in Texas recently ruled that an employee may proceed with a lawsuit claiming that he was entitled to rescind his early retirement because his employer misrepresented his pension benefits …

Houston janitors OK contract that expands wages, insurance


Members of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 5 recently voted in favor of a three-year collective-bargaining agreement that provides janitors in the Houston area with health benefits and a pay increase …

Can we deduct uniform costs from paychecks?


Q. We require new employees to buy their top uniform from a uniform company. The uniforms vary depending on the position and have the company’s logo on them. The uniform typically costs between $20 and $45 and is a smock, polo shirt or vest. The employees can deduct that amount from their paychecks or pay for it by personal check or credit card. As the HR manager, I take care of this process for them. Is this procedure legal under Texas law? —D.S.

Second Opinion on Fitness-for-Duty Certificate


Q. We have an employee returning from FMLA leave. His physician issued a fitness-for-duty certificate, but we question the worker’s ability to perform his old job because the length of his absence was too short for him to recover completely. Further, the fitness-for-duty certificate simply states that he is “able” to work, without addressing his specific job duties. Can we send him to another physician for a second fitness-for-duty examination? —A.L.

Pregnancy shouldn’t affect employees’ discipline


Q. If an employee is already on probation when she becomes pregnant, how does an employer continue with progressive discipline measures, including possible discharge? —P.A.

Must we give a fired employee his personnel file?


Q. I recently discharged an employee for performance problems. At the end of the termination meeting, he asked for a copy of his personnel file. Do I have to give discharged employees a copy of their personnel files? —B.N.

Minor annoyances at work don’t add up to retaliation


Last summer, the U.S. Supreme Court drafted a broad new legal standard for judging whether a company retaliated against an employee for complaining about discrimination. Now, the lower courts are starting to define what that standard means