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Employment Law

Texas Child Labor Act


Under the Texas Child Labor Act, it’s illegal for employers to hire children under 14 years of age except in certain situations …

Florida Unemployment Compensation Law


Florida’s unemployment compensation law, like that of many other states, provides temporary payments to employees who lose their jobs through no fault of their own. The law is complex and in some cases holds employers liable for unemployment insurance payments even when former employees weren’t fired but quit their jobs …

Florida Workers’ Compensation Law


The Florida workers’ compensation system protects employees who are injured on the job by replacing lost wages while they recover. The system works as a no-fault guarantee …

Florida Civil Rights Act


The Florida Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination or segregation in employment and access to places of public accommodation because of race, color, age, national origin, sex, handicap, familial status or religion …

Florida Minimum Wage Act


The Florida Minimum Wage Act follows the federal Fair Labor Standards Act in all respects except the minimum wage. Specifically, workers who are exempt under the FLSA are also exempt under the state law …

Florida Workforce Investment Act


Florida’s Workforce Investment Act was designed as part of the welfare reform movement of the ’90s. Like its federal counterpart, the Florida WIA provides incentives and assistance to employers who hire those who’ve been long-term welfare recipients …

Florida Child Labor Law


Florida’s child labor law prohibits employers from hiring minors under age 16 to work in hazardous jobs, ranging from operating industrial machinery and meat-packing equipment to even handling certain dangerous animals …

Florida Clean Indoor Air Act


Florida recently amended its Clean Indoor Air Act to comply with the Florida Health Initiative. The law prohibits smoking in all enclosed indoor workplaces except: private residences or private clubs, retail tobacco shops, smoking-designated guest rooms in hotels and motels, stand-alone bars and designated smoking rooms in airports … 

Local Ordinances in Florida


Local governments in Florida can, and sometimes do, legislate what employers can and can’t do within their jurisdictions. For example, since the Florida Civil Rights Act contains no protections against discrimination based on sexual preference, some local governments have adopted ordinances to address the issue …

Georgia Employment Security Law


Georgia’s unemployment compensation law, like that of many other states, provides temporary payments to employees who lose their jobs through no fault of their own. The Georgia Employment Security Law is complex and in some cases holds employers liable for unemployment insurance (UI) payments even when former employees weren’t fired but quit their jobs …