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Employment Law

Workers Aren’t Entitled to Extra Pay for Job-Related ideas


New Jersey employers aren’t required to pay employees extra money for coming up with good ideas related to their work. But take note: You still may face claims for using employees’ ideas that are NOT related to their regular jobs

Promises, promises: Put incentives in writing; don’t let managers blurt them out


Remind supervisors to avoid the temptation of making oral promises that they may not be able to keep, even if that means losing an employee who has another job offer …

Delegating Wage-Setting Discretion to Branches Won’t Justify a Class-Action Lawsuit


Recently, clever lawyers toyed with a new tactic, hoping to turn individual discrimination cases into nationwide class-action monsters. They’d find a single unhappy employee and sue on behalf of all similarly situated employees in a company’s subsidiaries

Review your liability coverage for employee injuries


Heads up: The New Jersey Supreme Court just decided an employer insurance case that may mean insurance carriers will change the way they write errors-and-omissions policies …

‘My lawyer will be in contact’: Enough notice to preserve records


A New Jersey appellate court recently granted a new trial to a former Paine Webber employee who claimed the company fired her for filing a sexual harassment complaint. During trial, the employee claimed Paine Webber withheld or destroyed critical documents

Sex harassment investigator sued for giving bum advice


New Jersey attorneys may be feeling their clients’ pain on a whole new level.  A recent district court ruling allowed an employee to sue the attorney who investigated her sexual harassment complaint (as well as her employer)

Watch for New Prevailing-Wage Rules for Building Services Workers


The New Jersey Department of Labor & Workforce Development intends to enact new prevailing-wage rules for contractor employees or subcontractors who work on building services projects at properties owned or leased by the state …

Johnson & Johnson sued again, this time from the executive suite


A former chief medical officer for Johnson & Johnson’s Ethicon Inc. has filed a retaliation and discrimination lawsuit, claiming the company fired him for voicing product safety concerns and pushing for product recalls …

How to comply with N.J.’s sweeping Whistle-Blower protection law


The New Jersey Supreme Court has described the state’s Conscientious Employee Protection Act (CEPA) as “the most far reaching ‘whistle-blower statute’ in the nation” …

Warn bosses: Don’t speculate on workers’ medical limits


Supervisors and HR professionals must avoid stereotyping employees who have medical problems and never make assumptions about workers’ abilities to perform the job. Making uninformed comments about physical ailments is a quick way to land in court