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Employment Law

Banning religious jokes: Seems extreme, but it could have saved Haddonfield in court


The New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (LAD) protects employees against having to work in an environment hostile to their religious beliefs or background. That means if your supervisors tolerate jokes, ribbing or other distasteful references to religious practices or stereotypes, you’re risking a lawsuit and all the expense that entails

New Jersey’s whistle-Blower law sets tough burden for employers


The Conscientious Employee Protection Act (CEPA) prohibits retaliation against New Jersey employees who bring to light illegal or unethical workplace practices …

Gay police officer awarded huge settlement from Haledon


A police sergeant who sued the borough of Haledon for discrimination recently won a $450,000 settlement …

New state law curbs day-Labor payroll deductions


Gov. Jon Corzine recently signed a bill that limits the amount of money that temporary service agencies can withhold from temps’ paychecks …

8 N.J. companies lauded for equal treatment of gays


The Human Rights Campaign Foundation named eight New Jersey companies to its annual list of top employers for promoting fair and equal treatment for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender employees …

File under ‘Huh?’: Dinner with Bin Laden earns a new trial


Who would have thought dropping the name “Osama” could get you out of trouble in a U.S. courtroom? …

Landmark N.J. Ruling Adds New Reason to Monitor Internet Usage


Both federal and New Jersey state statutes hold perpetrators criminally liable for the possession or viewing of child pornography. But a recent New Jersey Appellate Division decision opens the door for employers to be held civilly liable for failing to prevent these acts …

Cutting jobs? You may be able to consider FMLA leave


You’ve heard it over and over again: Don’t take FMLA leave into consideration when making employment decisions. But you don’t have to take that caveat to extremes …

Seniority is a valid reason to retain one race over another


When you need to downsize your organization, you may worry if a disproportionate number of the employees that are terminated are members of a protected class. But, as a new ruling shows, you can justify your decision by having clear documentation that shows you had a seniority rule in place and followed it

Should you ask applicants about expunged criminal record?


Pennsylvania employers can use information obtained as part of a criminal record check to deny a job if it shows that the applicant was convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor. But what if the applicant reveals that he or she has an expunged criminal record?