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Employment Law

Preventing Sexual Harassment: A Business Guide

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Off-Duty Behavior/Moonlighting


HR Law 101: In recent years, employer attempts to regulate what employees may do on their own time have become contentious. Many employers fear that their employees’ off-duty actions, including moonlighting, may reflect badly on them, lower productivity or, even worse, create liability …

You can’t directly call doctor for FMLA information


There’s a right way and a wrong way to make sure employees have a “serious” condition that qualifies for FMLA leave. …

Do help-Desk workers qualify for the computer exemption?


While the Fair Labor Standards Act says certain computer professionals are exempt employees, be ultra-cautious about applying this exemption. Courts are littered with cases of employers being punished for wrongly applying exempt status to lower-level IT workers, such as help-desk staff (aka “IT support specialists”)

Hiring interns: The 4 steps to keeping it legal


Courts view interns the same as employees: as “agents” of your organization. So should you. If you use interns or plan to, advise supervisors to manage them as closely as employees, if not more so. And apply your workplace policies to them

Your informal promotion process: A legal red flag


Most HR professionals recognize the legal risks of hiring outside applicants, but they often let down their guard when it comes to internal promotions

Working alongside staff won’t erase manager’s exemption


Employers today are facing a barrage of Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) lawsuits alleging that they’re misclassifying nonexempt employees as exempt. One main target: store managers who often work 60 to 70 hours per week for a set salary

Settle OT disputes quickly to avoid paying ‘Triple time’


When employees complain that they should be earning overtime, it’s smart to settle up quickly if it’s clear that they’re right. Reason: When you fail to properly pay overtime, the Fair Labor Standards Act allows employees to collect twice what they should have earned

You can’t avoid overtime by paying employees daily


Even if you pay employees—such as day laborers—on a daily basis, you can’t use that tactic to avoid paying overtime for hours worked beyond 40 in a week …

Any ethnic stereotype, even a positive one, can trigger a job discrimination lawsuit


Most supervisors know that it’s illegal to voice negative racial, age or gender stereotypes in the workplace. But they may not realize that positive stereotypes also can lead to trouble …