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Employment Law

Former HR exec wins $9 million in gender-Bias lawsuit


Curtiss-Wright Corporation was ordered to pay $9 million to former HR exec Joyce Quinlan after a Newark Superior Court jury found that the company denied her promotions because of her gender and then fired her when she filed a complaint …

The fine line between humor and harassment in Passaic County


How do you know where to draw the line between workplace humor and harassment? The answer: You don’t get to make that choice. Harassment, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. And it begins when somebody decides they’ve had enough of the “jokes”

Nextel employees claim that sweetheart deal was a bitter pill


Five former Nextel employees who received settlements from a class-action discrimination lawsuit have filed suit against Nextel and the law firm that brokered the settlement …

Employee or supervisor? Classification affects union eligibility


One of the toughest tasks for HR is to decide which employees are supervisors. Employers need to know this because supervisors are excluded from a collective bargaining unit for union organizing and voting purposes …

Automatic deductions for mealtime: Legal, but dangerous


Take note if you automatically deduct meal periods from your hourly employees’ total hours worked: Although making that deduction isn’t technically illegal and doesn’t by itself violate the Fair Labor Standards Act, it’s a dangerous practice

Investigating EEOC complaint? You’re protected from retaliation, too


If you’ve ever worried that participation in the internal investigation of an EEOC complaint might land you in trouble, you can take some comfort in a recent federal appeals court decision …

Delta settles allegations that it misused disabled workers’ fund


Atlanta-based Delta Airlines will pay $70 million into a trust fund for disabled employees and retirees to settle U.S. Labor Department allegations that the airline misused the fund to pay severance packages after the 9/11 attacks …

Johnnie Cochran’s law firm takes aim at poultry processors


The Cochran Firm, founded by the late Johnnie Cochran of O.J. Simpson-defense fame, has set its sights on the poultry-processing industry, filing lawsuits for back wages and other workplace violations …

Small subsidiary isn’t subject to FMLA if separate from parent


S.P. Richards Co. (SPR), a Smyrna office-supply wholesaler, recently won an FMLA victory when the 1st Circuit Court of Appeals determined it would be considered separately from its parent company, Genuine Parts Co. …

Should you be allowed to ban guns from employees’ cars?


The Georgia House and Senate once again are considering bills that would prohibit employers from banning guns from company parking lots …