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Employment Law

Can porn surfing be a ‘disability’? Lessons from the IBM case


When employees use their work computers for inappropriate purposes, such as scouring the Internet for pornography, interacting with minors for sexual purposes or transmitting pornographic images, they violate the law and put their employers at risk …

RIF after FMLA leave? Possible, but proceed with caution


If you terminate an employee soon after he or she has returned from FMLA leave, you open yourself to charges of retaliation …

Don’t let your lawsuit fears prevent necessary discipline


It’s a dilemma faced by many HR professionals: Discipline an employee who has engaged in a “protected activity” (like union organizing), and you risk a retaliation lawsuit …

In RIFs, Show That Economics (Not Age) Drove Your Decision


Age discrimination cases are on the rise, with more employees suing under the federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act and the Texas Commission on Human Rights Act …

To prevent retaliation claim, check back within weeks following employee’s complaint


Employees who come to HR with discrimination complaints may already have talked to a lawyer. They may be building a case and just waiting for someone to make a mistake. It’s your job to make sure that doesn’t happen …

If you handle insurance enrollment, be alert to liability for lost, late paperwork


When employers assume substantial benefit-administration duties, they may be liable when the proper paperwork doesn’t get to where it should. Because federal law imposes a fiduciary obligation on benefit administrators, employers may be sued when they assume the administrator’s role

Ignoring Harassment Policy Can Lead to Double-Trouble


Texas employees and their attorneys have found a way around the federal caps on damages in sexual-harassment cases. Instead of going to federal court, plaintiffs sue in Texas state courts under the Texas Labor Code and add claims of negligent hiring, retention and supervision

Include disclaimer in incentive plans that clarifies when no contract exists


Incentive plans are wonderful motivational tools, but make sure yours doesn’t create an enforceable contract. That mistake may force you to pay bonuses to employees who’ve left or cause lawsuits over the payment amount …

Lawmaker pulls bill that would punish employers for illegal hires


Texas House of Representative member Rafael Anchia (D-Dallas) recently withdrew a measure that would have penalized employers that hired undocumented immigrants …

Local grocery store and EEOC settle disability bias lawsuit


The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and Brookshire’s Grocery Co. recently agreed to settle a lawsuit brought by the agency on behalf of a former employee allegedly demoted after the company learned that she was infected with Hepatitis C