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Employment Law

Toledo firefighters face termination for illegal tapings


The Toledo fire chief has recommended terminating three female firefighters after discovering they had secretly taped workplace conversations …

Goodyear to pay $925,000 to settle gender bias suit


Akron-based Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. will pay $925,000 to a class of more than 800 women whom it turned down for tire-making jobs in its Danville, Va., plant in 1998 and 1999 …

Shootings spark bias lawsuits by white officers in Cleveland


A federal court jury recently awarded $800,000 to a white police officer, finding that the city of Cleveland racially discriminated against him after he shot a black youth in a 2001 arrest attempt …

Unions say ALL workers should eligible for state minimum wage


The AFL-CIO is working to overturn provisions of Ohio House bill 690, which excludes farm, home health care and amusement park workers from the state’s recent minimum wage increase …

Understanding religious accommodations in Ohio workplaces


Ohio mirrors America’s growing diversity in many ways. Today, mosques occupy old churches; co-workers wear burqas and yarmulkes; and some employees request “prayer breaks.” Religious diversity is a reason for celebration, but it also presents challenges in the workplace

When to say ‘No’ to disability accommodation requests


Federal law (specifically, the ADA) says you must accommodate a person’s qualified disability, but that doesn’t mean you must say “Yes” to every accommodation request from every ailing worker. But it’s a tough call on when you legally can say “No.”

Michigan Employers Must Post Job-Related Injuries by April 30


The Michigan Department of Labor is reminding employers that they must post employees’ job-related injuries and illnesses from 2006 …

USF Holland to pay $700,000 for race bias at Nashville plant


Two black employees working in the Nashville plant of Michigan-based USF Holland recently won $350,000 each in a race-discrimination lawsuit …

No disability discrimination if worker isn’t qualified for job


A hospital secretary who suffered chronic arm pain after puncturing her thumb with a contaminated pin recently lost her disability-discrimination lawsuit …

Separation agreement protects employer from age bias claim


A 55-year-old employee whose job was eliminated in a company restructuring recently lost his age-discrimination case before the 6th Circuit Court. Reason: He had signed a separation agreement waiving all claims against the company …